
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-06 Bradley M. Bell
00007 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
00008 the terms of the 
00009                     Common Public License Version 1.0.
00011 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
00012 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
00013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00015 /*
00016 $begin RevTwo$$
00017 $spell
00018         ddw
00019         typename
00020         Taylor
00021         const
00022 $$
00025 $index partial, second order driver$$
00026 $index second, order partial driver$$
00027 $index driver, second order partial$$
00029 $index easy, partial$$
00030 $index driver, easy partial$$
00031 $index partial, easy$$
00034 $section Reverse Mode Second Partial Derivative Driver$$
00036 $head Syntax$$
00037 $syntax%%ddw% = %f%.RevTwo(%x%, %i%, %j%)%$$
00040 $head Purpose$$
00041 We use $latex F : B^n \rightarrow B^m$$ to denote the
00042 $xref/glossary/AD Function/AD function/$$ corresponding to $italic f$$.
00043 The syntax above sets 
00044 $latex \[
00045         ddw [ k * p + \ell ]
00046         =
00047         \DD{ F_{i[ \ell ]} }{ x_{j[ \ell ]} }{ x_k } (x) 
00048 \] $$
00049 for $latex k = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$
00050 and $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p$$,
00051 where $latex p$$ is the size of the vectors $italic i$$ and $italic j$$.
00053 $head f$$
00054 The object $italic f$$ has prototype
00055 $syntax%
00056         ADFun<%Base%> %f%
00057 %$$
00058 Note that the $xref/ADFun/$$ object $italic f$$ is not $code const$$
00059 (see $xref/RevTwo/RevTwo Uses Forward/RevTwo Uses Forward/$$ below).
00061 $head x$$
00062 The argument $italic x$$ has prototype
00063 $syntax%
00064         const %VectorBase% &%x%
00065 %$$
00066 (see $xref/RevTwo/VectorBase/VectorBase/$$ below)
00067 and its size 
00068 must be equal to $italic n$$, the dimension of the
00069 $xref/SeqProperty/Domain/domain/$$ space for $italic f$$.
00070 It specifies
00071 that point at which to evaluate the partial derivatives listed above.
00073 $head i$$
00074 The argument $italic i$$ has prototype
00075 $syntax%
00076         const %VectorSize_t% &%i%
00077 %$$
00078 (see $xref/RevTwo/VectorSize_t/VectorSize_t/$$ below)
00079 We use $italic p$$ to denote the size of the vector $italic i$$.
00080 All of the indices in $italic i$$ 
00081 must be less than $italic m$$, the dimension of the
00082 $xref/SeqProperty/Range/range/$$ space for $italic f$$; i.e.,
00083 for $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p-1$$, $latex i[ \ell ]  < m$$.
00085 $head j$$
00086 The argument $italic j$$ has prototype
00087 $syntax%
00088         const %VectorSize_t% &%j%
00089 %$$
00090 (see $xref/RevTwo/VectorSize_t/VectorSize_t/$$ below)
00091 and its size must be equal to $italic p$$,
00092 the size of the vector $italic i$$.
00093 All of the indices in $italic j$$ 
00094 must be less than $italic n$$; i.e.,
00095 for $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p-1$$, $latex j[ \ell ]  < n$$.
00097 $head ddw$$
00098 The result $italic ddw$$ has prototype
00099 $syntax%
00100         %VectorBase% %ddw%
00101 %$$
00102 (see $xref/RevTwo/VectorBase/VectorBase/$$ below)
00103 and its size is $latex n * p$$.
00104 It contains the requested partial derivatives; to be specific,
00105 for $latex k = 0 , \ldots , n - 1 $$ 
00106 and $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p - 1$$
00107 $latex \[
00108         ddw [ k * p + \ell ]
00109         =
00110         \DD{ F_{i[ \ell ]} }{ x_{j[ \ell ]} }{ x_k } (x) 
00111 \] $$
00113 $head VectorBase$$
00114 The type $italic VectorBase$$ must be a $xref/SimpleVector/$$ class with
00115 $xref/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/elements of type Base/$$.
00116 The routine $xref/CheckSimpleVector/$$ will generate an error message
00117 if this is not the case.
00119 $head VectorSize_t$$
00120 The type $italic VectorSize_t$$ must be a $xref/SimpleVector/$$ class with
00121 $xref/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/elements of type size_t/$$.
00122 The routine $xref/CheckSimpleVector/$$ will generate an error message
00123 if this is not the case.
00125 $head RevTwo Uses Forward$$
00126 After each call to $xref/Forward/$$,
00127 the object $italic f$$ contains the corresponding 
00128 $xref/glossary/Taylor Coefficient/Taylor coefficients/$$.
00129 After $code RevTwo$$,
00130 the previous calls to $xref/Forward/$$ are undefined.
00132 $head Examples$$
00133 $children%
00134         example/rev_two.cpp
00135 %$$
00136 The routine 
00137 $xref/RevTwo.cpp//RevTwo/$$ is both an example and test.
00138 It returns $code true$$, if it succeeds and $code false$$ otherwise.
00140 $end
00141 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00142 */
00144 //  BEGIN CppAD namespace
00145 namespace CppAD {
00147 template <typename Base>
00148 template <typename VectorBase, typename VectorSize_t>
00149 VectorBase ADFun<Base>::RevTwo(
00150         const VectorBase   &x,
00151         const VectorSize_t &i,
00152         const VectorSize_t &j)
00153 {       size_t i1;
00154         size_t j1;
00155         size_t k;
00156         size_t l;
00158         size_t n = Domain();
00159         size_t m = Range();
00160         size_t p = i.size();
00162         // check VectorBase is Simple Vector class with Base elements
00163         CheckSimpleVector<Base, VectorBase>();
00165         // check VectorSize_t is Simple Vector class with size_t elements
00166         CheckSimpleVector<size_t, VectorSize_t>();
00168         CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
00169                 x.size() == n,
00170                 "RevTwo: Length of x not equal domain dimension for f."
00171         ); 
00172         CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
00173                 i.size() == j.size(),
00174                 "RevTwo: Lenght of the i and j vectors are not equal."
00175         );
00176         // point at which we are evaluating the second partials
00177         Forward(0, x);
00179         // dimension the return value
00180         VectorBase ddw(n * p);
00182         // direction vector in argument space
00183         VectorBase dx(n);
00184         for(j1 = 0; j1 < n; j1++)
00185                 dx[j1] = Base(0);
00187         // direction vector in range space
00188         VectorBase w(m);
00189         for(i1 = 0; i1 < m; i1++)
00190                 w[i1] = Base(0);
00192         // place to hold the results of a reverse calculation
00193         VectorBase r(n * 2);
00195         // check the indices in i and j
00196         for(l = 0; l < p; l++)
00197         {       i1 = i[l];
00198                 j1 = j[l];
00199                 CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
00200                 i1 < m,
00201                 "RevTwo: an eleemnt of i not less than range dimension for f."
00202                 );
00203                 CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
00204                 j1 < n,
00205                 "RevTwo: an element of j not less than domain dimension for f."
00206                 );
00207         }
00209         // loop over all forward directions 
00210         for(j1 = 0; j1 < n; j1++) 
00211         {       // first order forward mode calculation done 
00212                 bool first_done = false;
00213                 for(l = 0; l < p; l++) if( j[l] == j1 )
00214                 {       if( ! first_done )
00215                         {       first_done = true;
00217                                 // first order forward mode in j1 direction
00218                                 dx[j1] = Base(1);
00219                                 Forward(1, dx);
00220                                 dx[j1] = Base(0);
00221                         }
00222                         // execute a reverse in this component direction
00223                         i1    = i[l];
00224                         w[i1] = Base(1);
00225                         r     = Reverse(2, w);
00226                         w[i1] = Base(0);
00228                         // place the reverse result in return value
00229                         for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
00230                                 ddw[k * p + l] = r[k * 2 + 1];
00231                 }
00232         }
00233         return ddw;
00234 }
00236 } // END CppAD namespace
00238 # endif

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:06:33 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7