
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-07 Bradley M. Bell
00007 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
00008 the terms of the 
00009                     Common Public License Version 1.0.
00011 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
00012 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
00013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00015 /*
00016 $begin multi_newton$$
00017 $spell
00018         xout
00019         xlow
00020         xup
00021         itr
00022         CppAD
00023         const
00024 $$
00026 $index OpenMP, Newton's method$$
00027 $index multi-thread, Newton's method$$
00028 $index example, OpenMP Newton's method$$
00030 $section Multi-Threaded Newton's Method Routine$$
00032 $head Syntax$$
00033 $syntax%multi_newton(%
00034         xout%, %fun%, %n_grid%, %xlow%, %xup%, %epsilon%, %max_itr%)%$$
00037 $head Purpose$$
00038 Determine the argument values $latex x \in [a, b]$$ (where $latex a < b$$)
00039 such that $latex f(x) = 0$$.
00041 $head Method$$
00042 For $latex i = 0 , \ldots , n$$,  
00043 we define the $th i$$ grid point $latex g_i$$ 
00044 and the $th i$$ interval $latex I_i$$ by
00045 $latex \[
00046 \begin{array}{rcl}
00047         g_i & = & a \frac{n - i}{n} +  b \frac{i}{n}
00048         \\
00049         I_i & = & [ g_i , g_{i+1} ]
00050 \end{array}
00051 \] $$
00052 Newton's method is applied starting
00053 at the center of each of the intervals $latex I_i$$ for
00054 $latex i = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$
00055 and at most one zero is found for each interval.
00058 $head xout$$
00059 The argument $italic xout$$ has the prototype
00060 $syntax%
00061         CppAD::vector<double> &%xout%
00062 %$$
00063 The input size and value of the elements of $italic xout$$ do not matter.
00064 Upon return from $code multi_newton$$,
00065 the size of $italic xout$$ is less than $latex n$$ and
00066 $latex \[
00067         | f( xout[i] ) | \leq epsilon
00068 \] $$ 
00069 for each valid index $italic i$$.
00070 Two $latex x$$ solutions are considered equal (and joined as one) if
00071 the absolute difference between the solutions is less than
00072 $latex (b - a) / n$$.
00074 $head fun$$
00075 The argument $italic fun$$ has prototype
00076 $syntax%
00077         %Fun% &%fun%
00078 %$$
00079 This argument must evaluate the function $latex f(x)$$ 
00080 using the syntax
00081 $syntax%
00082         %f% = %fun%(%x%)
00083 %$$
00084 where the argument $italic x$$ and the result $italic f$$
00085 have the prototypes
00086 $syntax%
00087         const AD<double> &%x% 
00088         AD<double>        %f%
00089 %$$.
00092 $head n_grid$$
00093 The argument $italic n_grid$$ has prototype
00094 $syntax%
00095         size_t %n_grid%
00096 %$$
00097 It specifies the number of grid points; i.e., $latex n$$ 
00098 in the $cref/method/multi_newton/Method/$$ above.
00100 $head xlow$$
00101 The argument $italic xlow$$ has prototype
00102 $syntax%
00103         double %xlow%
00104 %$$
00105 It specifies the lower limit for the entire search; i.e., $latex a$$
00106 in the $cref/method/multi_newton/Method/$$ above.
00108 $head xup$$
00109 The argument $italic xup$$ has prototype
00110 $syntax%
00111         double %xup%
00112 %$$
00113 It specifies the upper limit for the entire search; i.e., $latex b$$
00114 in the $cref/method/multi_newton/Method/$$ above.
00116 $head epsilon$$
00117 The argument $italic epsilon$$ has prototype
00118 $syntax%
00119         double %epsilon%
00120 %$$
00121 It specifies the convergence criteria for Newton's method in terms
00122 of how small the function value must be.
00124 $head max_itr$$
00125 The argument $italic max_itr$$ has prototype
00126 $syntax%
00127         size_t %max_itr%
00128 %$$
00129 It specifies the maximum number of iterations of Newton's method to try
00130 before giving up on convergence.
00132 $end
00133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00134 $begin multi_newton.hpp$$
00136 $index multi_newton, source$$
00137 $index source, multi_newton$$
00138 $index example, OpenMP$$
00139 $index example, multi-thread$$
00140 $index OpenMP, example$$
00141 $index multi-thread, example$$
00144 $section OpenMP Multi-Threading Newton's Method Source Code$$
00146 $code
00147 $verbatim%openmp/multi_newton.hpp%0%// BEGIN PROGRAM%// END PROGRAM%1%$$
00148 $$
00149 $end
00150 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00151 */
00154 # include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
00155 # include <cassert>
00157 # ifdef _OPENMP
00158 # include <omp.h>
00159 # endif
00161 namespace { // BEGIN CppAD namespace
00163 template <class Fun>
00164 void one_newton(double &fcur, double &xcur, Fun &fun, 
00165         double xlow, double xin, double xup, double epsilon, size_t max_itr)
00166 {       using CppAD::AD;
00167         using CppAD::vector;
00168         using CppAD::abs;
00170         // domain space vector
00171         size_t n = 1;
00172         vector< AD<double> > X(n);
00173         // range space vector
00174         size_t m = 1;
00175         vector< AD<double> > Y(m);
00176         // domain and range differentials
00177         vector<double> dx(n), dy(m);
00179         size_t itr;
00180         xcur = xin;
00181         for(itr = 0; itr < max_itr; itr++)
00182         {       // domain space vector
00183                 X[0] = xcur;
00184                 CppAD::Independent(X);
00185                 // range space vector
00186                 Y[0] = fun(X[0]);
00187                 // F : X -> Y
00188                 CppAD::ADFun<double> F(X, Y);
00189                 // fcur = F(xcur)
00190                 fcur  = Value(Y[0]);
00191                 // evaluate dfcur = F'(xcur)
00192                 dx[0] = 1;
00193                 dy = F.Forward(1, dx);
00194                 double dfcur = dy[0];
00195                 // check end of iterations
00196                 if( abs(fcur) <= epsilon )
00197                         return;
00198                 if( (xcur == xlow) & (fcur * dfcur > 0.) )
00199                         return; 
00200                 if( (xcur == xup)  & (fcur * dfcur < 0.) )
00201                         return; 
00202                 if( dfcur == 0. )
00203                         return;
00204                 // next Newton iterate
00205                 double delta_x = - fcur / dfcur;
00206                 if( xlow - xcur >= delta_x )
00207                         xcur = xlow;
00208                 else if( xup - xcur <= delta_x )
00209                         xcur = xup;
00210                 else    xcur = xcur + delta_x;
00211         }
00212         return;
00213 }
00215 template <class Fun>
00216 void multi_newton(
00217         CppAD::vector<double> &xout , 
00218         Fun &fun                    , 
00219         size_t n_grid               , 
00220         double xlow                 , 
00221         double xup                  , 
00222         double epsilon              , 
00223         size_t max_itr              )
00224 {       using CppAD::AD;
00225         using CppAD::vector;
00226         using CppAD::abs;
00228         // check argument values
00229         assert( xlow < xup );
00230         assert( n_grid > 0 );
00232         // OpenMP uses integers in place of size_t
00233         int i, n = int(n_grid);
00235         // set up grid
00236         vector<double> grid(n_grid + 1);
00237         vector<double> fcur(n_grid), xcur(n_grid), xmid(n_grid);
00238         double dx = (xup - xlow) / double(n_grid);
00239         for(i = 0; size_t(i) < n_grid; i++)
00240         {       grid[i] = xlow + i * dx;
00241                 xmid[i] = xlow + (i + .5) * dx;
00242         }
00243         grid[n_grid] = xup;
00245 # ifdef _OPENMP
00246 # pragma omp parallel for 
00247 # endif
00248         for(i = 0; i < n; i++) 
00249         {       one_newton(
00250                         fcur[i]   ,
00251                         xcur[i]   ,
00252                         fun       , 
00253                         grid[i]   , 
00254                         xmid[i]   , 
00255                         grid[i+1] , 
00256                         epsilon   , 
00257                         max_itr
00258                 );
00259         }
00260 // end omp parallel for
00262         // remove duplicates and points that are not solutions
00263         double xlast  = xlow;
00264         size_t ilast  = 0;
00265         size_t n_zero = 0;
00266         for(i = 0; size_t(i) < n_grid; i++)
00267         {       if( abs( fcur[i] ) <= epsilon )
00268                 {       if( n_zero == 0 )
00269                         {       xcur[n_zero++] = xlast = xcur[i];
00270                                 ilast = i;
00271                         }
00272                         else if( fabs( xcur[i] - xlast ) > dx ) 
00273                         {       xcur[n_zero++] = xlast = xcur[i];
00274                                 ilast = i;
00275                         }
00276                         else if( fabs( fcur[i] ) < fabs( fcur[ilast] ) )
00277                         {       xcur[n_zero - 1] = xlast = xcur[i]; 
00278                                 ilast = i;
00279                         }
00280                 }
00281         }
00283         // resize output vector and set its values
00284         xout.resize(n_zero);
00285         for(i = 0; size_t(i) < n_zero; i++)
00286                 xout[i] = xcur[i];
00288         return;
00289 }
00291 } // END CppAD namespace
00293 // END PROGRAM
00295 # endif

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