
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # ifndef CPPAD_DET_GRAD_33_INCLUDED
00002 # define CPPAD_DET_GRAD_33_INCLUDED
00004 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-07 Bradley M. Bell
00007 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
00008 the terms of the 
00009                     Common Public License Version 1.0.
00011 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
00012 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
00013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00014 /*
00015 $begin det_grad_33$$
00016 $spell
00017         cppad
00018         CppAD
00019         det
00020         cppad.hpp
00021         namespace
00022         const
00023         bool
00024 $$
00026 $section Check Gradient of Determinant of 3 by 3 matrix$$ 
00028 $index det_grad_33$$
00029 $index determinant, check correct$$
00030 $index correct, determinant check$$
00031 $index check, determinant correct$$
00033 $head Syntax$$
00034 $syntax%# include <cppad/speed/det_grad_33.hpp>
00035 %$$
00036 $syntax%%ok% = det_grad_33(%x%, %g%)%$$
00038 $head Purpose$$
00039 This routine can be used to check a method for computing the 
00040 gradient of the determinant of a matrix.
00042 $head Inclusion$$
00043 The template function $code det_grad_33$$ is defined in the $code CppAD$$
00044 namespace by including 
00045 the file $code cppad/speed/det_grad_33.hpp$$ 
00046 (relative to the CppAD distribution directory).
00047 It is only intended for example and testing purposes, 
00048 so it is not automatically included by
00049 $cref/cppad.hpp/cppad/$$.
00051 $head x$$
00052 The argument $italic x$$ has prototype
00053 $syntax%
00054         const %Vector% &%x%
00055 %$$.
00056 It contains the elements of the matrix $latex X$$ in row major order; i.e.,
00057 $latex \[
00058         X_{i,j} = x [ i * 3 + j ]
00059 \] $$
00061 $head g$$
00062 The argument $italic g$$ has prototype
00063 $syntax%
00064         const %Vector% &%g%
00065 %$$.
00066 It contains the elements of the gradient of
00067 $latex \det ( X )$$ in row major order; i.e.,
00068 $latex \[
00069         \D{\det (X)}{X(i,j)} = g [ i * 3 + j ]
00070 \] $$
00072 $head Vector$$
00073 If $italic y$$ is a $italic Vector$$ object, 
00074 it must support the syntax
00075 $syntax%
00076         %y%[%i%]
00077 %$$
00078 where $italic i$$ has type $code size_t$$ with value less than 9.
00079 This must return a $code double$$ value corresponding to the $th i$$
00080 element of the vector $italic y$$.
00081 This is the only requirement of the type $italic Vector$$.
00083 $head ok$$
00084 The return value $italic ok$$ has prototype
00085 $syntax%
00086         bool %ok%
00087 %$$
00088 It is true, if the gradient $italic g$$ 
00089 passes the test and false otherwise.
00091 $children%
00092         omh/det_grad_33_hpp.omh
00093 %$$
00095 $head Source Code$$
00096 The file 
00097 $cref/det_grad_33.hpp/$$
00098 constraints the source code for this template function.
00100 $end
00101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00102 */
00104 namespace CppAD {
00105 template <class Vector>
00106         bool det_grad_33(const Vector &x, const Vector &g)
00107         {       bool ok = true;
00109                 // use expansion by minors to compute the derivative by hand
00110                 double check[9];
00111                 check[0] = + ( x[4] * x[8] - x[5] * x[7] );
00112                 check[1] = - ( x[3] * x[8] - x[5] * x[6] );
00113                 check[2] = + ( x[3] * x[7] - x[4] * x[6] );
00114                 //
00115                 check[3] = - ( x[1] * x[8] - x[2] * x[7] );
00116                 check[4] = + ( x[0] * x[8] - x[2] * x[6] );
00117                 check[5] = - ( x[0] * x[7] - x[1] * x[6] );
00118                 //
00119                 check[6] = + ( x[1] * x[5] - x[2] * x[4] );
00120                 check[7] = - ( x[0] * x[5] - x[2] * x[3] );
00121                 check[8] = + ( x[0] * x[4] - x[1] * x[3] ); 
00122                 //
00123                 size_t i;
00124                 for(i = 0; i < 3 * 3; i++)
00125                         ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(check[i], g[i], 1e-10, 1e-10);
00127                 return ok;
00128         }
00129 }
00130 // END PROGRAM
00131 # endif

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