ClpObjective Member List

This is the complete list of members for ClpObjective, including all inherited members.

activated() const ClpObjective [inline]
activated_ClpObjective [protected]
clone() const =0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
ClpObjective(const ClpObjective &)ClpObjective
deleteSome(int numberToDelete, const int *which)=0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
gradient(const ClpSimplex *model, const double *solution, double &offset, bool refresh, int includeLinear=2)=0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
markNonlinear(char *which)ClpObjective [virtual]
newXValues()ClpObjective [inline, virtual]
nonlinearOffset() const ClpObjective [inline]
objectiveValue(const ClpSimplex *model, const double *solution) const =0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
offset_ClpObjective [protected]
operator=(const ClpObjective &rhs)ClpObjective
reallyScale(const double *columnScale)=0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
reducedGradient(ClpSimplex *model, double *region, bool useFeasibleCosts)=0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
resize(int newNumberColumns)=0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
setActivated(int value)ClpObjective [inline]
stepLength(ClpSimplex *model, const double *solution, const double *change, double maximumTheta, double &currentObj, double &predictedObj, double &thetaObj)=0ClpObjective [pure virtual]
subsetClone(int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns) const ClpObjective [virtual]
type()ClpObjective [inline]
type_ClpObjective [protected]
~ClpObjective()ClpObjective [virtual]

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:13:25 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7