
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // ******************** FlopCpp **********************************************
00002 // File: MP_domain.hpp
00003 // $Id$
00004 // Author: Tim Helge Hultberg (thh@mat.ua.pt)
00005 // Copyright (C) 2003 Tim Helge Hultberg
00006 // All Rights Reserved.
00007 // ****************************************************************************
00008 #ifndef _MP_domain_hpp_
00009 #define _MP_domain_hpp_
00011 #include <vector>
00012 #include <map>
00013 #include "MP_utilities.hpp"
00014 #include "MP_boolean.hpp" 
00015 #include "MP_index.hpp" 
00017 namespace flopc {
00019   class MP_set_base;
00020   class MP_set;
00021   class MP_index;
00023   template<int nbr> class MP_subset;
00030   class MP_domain_base : public Functor, public MP_index_base {
00031     friend class MP_domain;
00032     friend class Handle<MP_domain_base*>;
00033     friend MP_domain operator*(const MP_domain& a, const MP_domain& b);
00034   private:
00035     int count;
00036   public:
00037     MP_domain_base();
00038     virtual ~MP_domain_base();
00040     virtual Functor* makeInsertFunctor() const;
00041     virtual MP_index* getIndex() const = 0;
00042     virtual const MP_set_base* getSet() const = 0;
00043     void display()const;
00044     virtual size_t size() const ;
00045     const Functor* donext;
00046   };
00061   class MP_domain : public Handle<MP_domain_base*> {
00062     friend MP_domain operator*(const MP_domain& a, const MP_domain& b);
00064     friend class MP_constraint;
00065     friend class MP_index_exp;
00066   public:
00070     MP_domain();
00071     ~MP_domain();
00075     MP_domain(MP_domain_base* r);
00083     MP_domain such_that(const MP_boolean& b);
00089     void forall(const Functor* op) const;
00090     void forall(const Functor& op) const;
00092     size_t size() const;
00094     static const MP_domain& getEmpty();
00095   private:
00096     std::vector<MP_boolean> condition;
00097     Handle<MP_domain_base*> last;
00098     static const MP_domain* Empty;
00099   };
00111   class MP_domain_set : public MP_domain_base {
00112   public:
00114     MP_domain_set(const MP_set* s, MP_index* i);
00116     void operator()() const;
00120     int evaluate() const;
00122     const MP_set_base* getSet() const;
00124     MP_index* getIndex() const;
00128     MP_domain getDomain(MP_set* s) const ;
00129     ~MP_domain_set();
00130   private:
00131     const MP_set* S;
00132     MP_index* I;
00133   };
00135   template<int nbr> class MP_domain_subset;
00142   template<int nbr> class insertFunctor : public Functor {
00143   public:
00144     insertFunctor(MP_domain_subset<nbr>* d) : D(d) {}
00146     void operator()() const { 
00147       std::vector<int> elm(nbr);
00148       for (int i=0; i<nbr; i++) {
00149         elm[i] = D->I[i]->evaluate();
00150       }
00151       D->S->insert(elm);
00152     }
00153   private:
00154     MP_domain_subset<nbr>* D;
00155   };
00167   template<int nbr> class MP_domain_subset : public MP_domain_base {
00168     friend class insertFunctor<nbr>;
00169   public:
00170     MP_domain_subset<nbr> (MP_subset<nbr>* s, 
00171                            const std::vector<MP_index*> &i) : S(s), I(i){}
00176     int evaluate() const {
00177       return S->evaluate(I);
00178     }
00180     MP_set_base* getSet() const {
00181       return S;
00182     }
00184     MP_index* getIndex() const {
00185       return S;
00186     }
00190     MP_domain getDomain(MP_set* s) const {
00191       return MP_domain(const_cast<MP_domain_subset<nbr>*>(this));
00192     }
00194     void operator()() const {
00195       bool isBound[nbr];
00196       bool allBound = true;
00197       for (int j=0; j<nbr; j++) {
00198         if (I[j]->isInstantiated() == true) {
00199           isBound[j] = true;
00200         } else {
00201           isBound[j] = false;
00202           allBound = false;
00203           if (I[j]!=&MP_index::getEmpty()) { 
00204             I[j]->instantiate();
00205           }
00206         }
00207       }
00208       if (allBound == true) {
00209         (*donext)(); 
00210       } else {
00211         std::map<std::vector<int>, int>::const_iterator i;
00212         int counter = 0;
00213         for (i = S->elements.begin(); i != S->elements.end(); i++) {
00214           S->assign(counter);
00215           counter++;
00216           bool goOn = true;
00217           for (int j=0; j<nbr; j++) {
00218             if (isBound[j] == true) {
00219               if (I[j]->evaluate() != i->first[j]) {
00220                 goOn = false;
00221                 break;
00222               }
00223             } else {
00224               I[j]->assign(i->first[j]);
00225             }
00226           }
00227           if (goOn == true) {
00228             (*donext)();
00229           }
00230         }
00231       }
00232       for (int j=0; j<nbr; j++) {
00233         if (isBound[j] == false) {
00234           I[j]->assign(0);
00235           I[j]->unInstantiate();
00236         }
00237       }
00238     }    
00241     Functor* makeInsertFunctor() const {
00242       return new insertFunctor<nbr>(
00243         const_cast<MP_domain_subset<nbr>*>(this));
00244     }
00245   private:
00246     MP_subset<nbr>* S;
00247     std::vector<MP_index*> I;
00248   };
00253   MP_domain operator*(const MP_domain& a, const MP_domain& b);
00255 }  // End of namespace flopc
00256 #endif

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