
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef CoinSearchTree_H
00002 #define CoinSearchTree_H
00004 #include <vector>
00005 #include <algorithm>
00006 #include <cmath>
00007 #include <string>
00009 #include "CoinFinite.hpp"
00010 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
00012 // #define DEBUG_PRINT
00014 //#############################################################################
00016 class BitVector128 {
00017   friend bool operator<(const BitVector128& b0, const BitVector128& b1);
00018 private:
00019   unsigned int bits_[4];
00020 public:
00021   BitVector128();
00022   ~BitVector128() {}
00023   void setBit(int i);
00024   void clearBit(int i);
00025   std::string str() const;
00026 };
00028 bool operator<(const BitVector128& b0, const BitVector128& b1);
00030 //#############################################################################
00035 class CoinTreeNode {
00036 protected:
00037     CoinTreeNode() :
00038         depth_(-1),
00039         fractionality_(-1),
00040         quality_(-COIN_DBL_MAX),
00041         true_lower_bound_(-COIN_DBL_MAX),
00042         preferred_() {}
00043     CoinTreeNode(int d,
00044                  int f = -1,
00045                  double q = -COIN_DBL_MAX,
00046                  double tlb = -COIN_DBL_MAX,
00047                  BitVector128 p = BitVector128()) :
00048         depth_(d),
00049         fractionality_(f),
00050         quality_(q),
00051         true_lower_bound_(tlb),
00052         preferred_(p) {}
00053     CoinTreeNode(const CoinTreeNode& x) :
00054         depth_(x.depth_),
00055         fractionality_(x.fractionality_),
00056         quality_(x.quality_),
00057         true_lower_bound_(x.true_lower_bound_),
00058         preferred_(x.preferred_) {}
00059     CoinTreeNode& operator=(const CoinTreeNode& x) {
00060         if (this != &x) {
00061           depth_ = x.depth_;
00062           fractionality_ = x.fractionality_;
00063           quality_ = x.quality_;
00064           true_lower_bound_ = x.true_lower_bound_;
00065           preferred_ = x.preferred_;
00066         }
00067         return *this;
00068     }
00069 private:
00071     int depth_;
00074     int fractionality_;
00078     double quality_;
00082     double true_lower_bound_;
00084     BitVector128 preferred_;
00085 public:
00086     virtual ~CoinTreeNode() {}
00088     inline int          getDepth()         const { return depth_; }
00089     inline int          getFractionality() const { return fractionality_; }
00090     inline double       getQuality()       const { return quality_; }
00091     inline double       getTrueLB()        const { return true_lower_bound_; }
00092     inline BitVector128 getPreferred()     const { return preferred_; }
00094     inline void setDepth(int d)              { depth_ = d; }
00095     inline void setFractionality(int f)      { fractionality_ = f; }
00096     inline void setQuality(double q)         { quality_ = q; }
00097     inline void setTrueLB(double tlb)        { true_lower_bound_ = tlb; }
00098     inline void setPreferred(BitVector128 p) { preferred_ = p; }
00099 };
00101 //==============================================================================
00103 class CoinTreeSiblings {
00104 private:
00105     CoinTreeSiblings();
00106     CoinTreeSiblings& operator=(const CoinTreeSiblings&);
00107 private:
00108     int current_;
00109     int numSiblings_;
00110     CoinTreeNode** siblings_;
00111 public:
00112     CoinTreeSiblings(const int n, CoinTreeNode** nodes) :
00113         current_(0), numSiblings_(n), siblings_(new CoinTreeNode*[n])
00114     {
00115         CoinDisjointCopyN(nodes, n, siblings_);
00116     }
00117     CoinTreeSiblings(const CoinTreeSiblings& s) :
00118         current_(s.current_),
00119         numSiblings_(s.numSiblings_),
00120         siblings_(new CoinTreeNode*[s.numSiblings_])
00121     {
00122         CoinDisjointCopyN(s.siblings_, s.numSiblings_, siblings_);
00123     }
00124     ~CoinTreeSiblings() { delete[] siblings_; }
00125     inline CoinTreeNode* currentNode() const { return siblings_[current_]; }
00127     inline bool advanceNode() { return ++current_ != numSiblings_; }
00128     inline int toProcess() const { return numSiblings_ - current_; }
00129     inline int size() const { return numSiblings_; }
00130     inline void printPref() const {
00131       for (int i = 0; i < numSiblings_; ++i) {
00132         std::string pref = siblings_[i]->getPreferred().str();
00133         printf("prefs of sibligs: sibling[%i]: %s\n", i, pref.c_str());
00134       }
00135     }
00136 };
00138 //#############################################################################
00145 struct CoinSearchTreeComparePreferred {
00146   static inline const char* name() { return "CoinSearchTreeComparePreferred"; }
00147   inline bool operator()(const CoinTreeSiblings* x,
00148                          const CoinTreeSiblings* y) const {
00149     register const CoinTreeNode* xNode = x->currentNode();
00150     register const CoinTreeNode* yNode = y->currentNode();
00151     const BitVector128 xPref = xNode->getPreferred();
00152     const BitVector128 yPref = yNode->getPreferred();
00153     bool retval = true;
00154     if (xPref < yPref) {
00155       retval = true;
00156     } else if (yPref < xPref) {
00157       retval = false;
00158     } else {
00159       retval = xNode->getQuality() < yNode->getQuality();
00160     }
00161 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00162     printf("Comparing xpref (%s) and ypref (%s) : %s\n",
00163            xpref.str().c_str(), ypref.str().c_str(), retval ? "T" : "F");
00164 #endif
00165     return retval;
00166   }
00167 };
00169 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00171 struct CoinSearchTreeCompareDepth {
00172   static inline const char* name() { return "CoinSearchTreeCompareDepth"; }
00173   inline bool operator()(const CoinTreeSiblings* x,
00174                          const CoinTreeSiblings* y) const {
00175 #if 1
00176     return x->currentNode()->getDepth() >= y->currentNode()->getDepth();
00177 #else
00178     if(x->currentNode()->getDepth() > y->currentNode()->getDepth())
00179       return 1;
00180     if(x->currentNode()->getDepth() == y->currentNode()->getDepth() &&
00181        x->currentNode()->getQuality() <= y->currentNode()->getQuality())
00182       return 1;
00183     return 0;
00184 #endif
00185   }
00186 };
00188 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00189 /* Breadth First Search */
00190 struct CoinSearchTreeCompareBreadth {
00191   static inline const char* name() { return "CoinSearchTreeCompareBreadth"; }
00192   inline bool operator()(const CoinTreeSiblings* x,
00193                          const CoinTreeSiblings* y) const {
00194     return x->currentNode()->getDepth() < y->currentNode()->getDepth();
00195   }
00196 };
00198 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00200 struct CoinSearchTreeCompareBest {
00201   static inline const char* name() { return "CoinSearchTreeCompareBest"; }
00202   inline bool operator()(const CoinTreeSiblings* x,
00203                          const CoinTreeSiblings* y) const {
00204     return x->currentNode()->getQuality() < y->currentNode()->getQuality();
00205   }
00206 };
00208 //#############################################################################
00210 class CoinSearchTreeBase
00211 {
00212 private:
00213     CoinSearchTreeBase(const CoinSearchTreeBase&);
00214     CoinSearchTreeBase& operator=(const CoinSearchTreeBase&);
00216 protected:
00217     std::vector<CoinTreeSiblings*> candidateList_;
00218     int numInserted_;
00219     int size_;
00221 protected:
00222     CoinSearchTreeBase() : candidateList_(), numInserted_(0), size_(0) {}
00224     virtual void realpop() = 0;
00225     virtual void realpush(CoinTreeSiblings* s) = 0;
00226     virtual void fixTop() = 0;
00228 public:
00229     virtual ~CoinSearchTreeBase() {}
00230     virtual const char* compName() const = 0;
00232     inline const std::vector<CoinTreeSiblings*>& getCandidates() const {
00233         return candidateList_;
00234     }
00235     inline bool empty() const { return candidateList_.empty(); }
00236     inline int size() const { return size_; }
00237     inline int numInserted() const { return numInserted_; }
00238     inline CoinTreeNode* top() const {
00239       if (size_ == 0)
00240         return NULL;
00241 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00242       char output[44];
00243       output[43] = 0;
00244       candidateList_.front()->currentNode()->getPreferred().print(output);
00245       printf("top's pref: %s\n", output);
00246 #endif
00247       return candidateList_.front()->currentNode();
00248     }
00252     inline void pop() {
00253         CoinTreeSiblings* s = candidateList_.front();
00254         if (!s->advanceNode()) {
00255             realpop();
00256             delete s;
00257         } else {
00258             fixTop();
00259         }
00260         --size_;
00261     }
00262     inline void push(int numNodes, CoinTreeNode** nodes,
00263                      const bool incrInserted = true) {
00264         CoinTreeSiblings* s = new CoinTreeSiblings(numNodes, nodes);
00265         realpush(s);
00266         if (incrInserted) {
00267             numInserted_ += numNodes;
00268         }
00269         size_ += numNodes;
00270     }
00271     inline void push(const CoinTreeSiblings& sib,
00272                      const bool incrInserted = true) {
00273         CoinTreeSiblings* s = new CoinTreeSiblings(sib);
00274 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00275         s->printPref();
00276 #endif
00277         realpush(s);
00278         if (incrInserted) {
00279             numInserted_ += sib.toProcess();
00280         }
00281         size_ += sib.size();
00282     }
00283 };
00285 //#############################################################################
00287 // #define CAN_TRUST_STL_HEAP
00288 #ifdef CAN_TRUST_STL_HEAP
00290 template <class Comp>
00291 class CoinSearchTree : public CoinSearchTreeBase
00292 {
00293 private:
00294     Comp comp_;
00295 protected:
00296     virtual void realpop() {
00297         candidateList_.pop_back();
00298     }
00299     virtual void fixTop() {
00300         CoinTreeSiblings* s = top();
00301         realpop();
00302         push(s, false);
00303     }
00304     virtual void realpush(CoinTreeSiblings* s) {
00305         nodes_.push_back(s);
00306         std::push_heap(candidateList_.begin(), candidateList_.end(), comp_);
00307     }
00308 public:
00309     CoinSearchTree() : CoinSearchTreeBase(), comp_() {}
00310     CoinSearchTree(const CoinSearchTreeBase& t) :
00311         CoinSearchTreeBase(), comp_() {
00312         candidateList_ = t.getCandidates();
00313         std::make_heap(candidateList_.begin(), candidateList_.end(), comp_);
00314         numInserted_ = t.numInserted_;
00315         size_ = t.size_;
00316     }
00317     ~CoinSearchTree() {}
00318     const char* compName() const { return Comp::name(); }
00319 };
00321 #else
00323 template <class Comp>
00324 class CoinSearchTree : public CoinSearchTreeBase
00325 {
00326 private:
00327     Comp comp_;
00329 protected:
00330     virtual void realpop() {
00331         candidateList_[0] = candidateList_.back();
00332         candidateList_.pop_back();
00333         fixTop();
00334     }
00336     virtual void fixTop() {
00337         const int size = candidateList_.size();
00338         if (size > 1) {
00339             CoinTreeSiblings** candidates = &candidateList_[0];
00340             CoinTreeSiblings* s = candidates[0];
00341             --candidates;
00342             int pos = 1;
00343             int ch;
00344             for (ch = 2; ch < size; pos = ch, ch *= 2) {
00345                 if (comp_(candidates[ch+1], candidates[ch]))
00346                     ++ch;
00347                 if (comp_(s, candidates[ch]))
00348                     break;
00349                 candidates[pos] = candidates[ch];
00350             }
00351             if (ch == size) {
00352                 if (comp_(candidates[ch], s)) {
00353                     candidates[pos] = candidates[ch];
00354                     pos = ch;
00355                 }
00356             }
00357             candidates[pos] = s;
00358         }
00359     }
00360     virtual void realpush(CoinTreeSiblings* s) {
00361         candidateList_.push_back(s);
00362         CoinTreeSiblings** candidates = &candidateList_[0];
00363         --candidates;
00364         int pos = candidateList_.size();
00365         int ch;
00366         for (ch = pos/2; ch != 0; pos = ch, ch /= 2) {
00367             if (comp_(candidates[ch], s))
00368                 break;
00369             candidates[pos] = candidates[ch];
00370         }
00371         candidates[pos] = s;
00372     }
00374 public:
00375     CoinSearchTree() : CoinSearchTreeBase(), comp_() {}
00376     CoinSearchTree(const CoinSearchTreeBase& t) :
00377         CoinSearchTreeBase(), comp_() {
00378         candidateList_ = t.getCandidates();
00379         std::sort(candidateList_.begin(), candidateList_.end(), comp_);
00380         numInserted_ = t.numInserted();
00381         size_ = t.size();
00382     }
00383     ~CoinSearchTree() {}
00384     const char* compName() const { return Comp::name(); }
00385 };
00387 #endif
00389 //#############################################################################
00391 enum CoinNodeAction {
00392     CoinAddNodeToCandidates,
00393     CoinTestNodeForDiving,
00394     CoinDiveIntoNode
00395 };
00397 class CoinSearchTreeManager
00398 {
00399 private:
00400     CoinSearchTreeManager(const CoinSearchTreeManager&);
00401     CoinSearchTreeManager& operator=(const CoinSearchTreeManager&);
00402 private:
00403     CoinSearchTreeBase* candidates_;
00404     int numSolution;
00407     bool hasUB_;
00410     bool recentlyReevaluatedSearchStrategy_;
00412 public:
00413     CoinSearchTreeManager() :
00414         candidates_(NULL),
00415         numSolution(0),
00416         recentlyReevaluatedSearchStrategy_(true)
00417     {}
00418     virtual ~CoinSearchTreeManager() {
00419         delete candidates_;
00420     }
00422     inline void setTree(CoinSearchTreeBase* t) {
00423         delete candidates_;
00424         candidates_ = t;
00425     }
00426     inline CoinSearchTreeBase* getTree() const {
00427         return candidates_;
00428     }
00430     inline bool empty() const { return candidates_->empty(); }
00431     inline size_t size() const { return candidates_->size(); }
00432     inline size_t numInserted() const { return candidates_->numInserted(); }
00433     inline CoinTreeNode* top() const { return candidates_->top(); }
00434     inline void pop() { candidates_->pop(); }
00435     inline void push(CoinTreeNode* node, const bool incrInserted = true) {
00436         candidates_->push(1, &node, incrInserted);
00437     }
00438     inline void push(const CoinTreeSiblings& s, const bool incrInserted=true) {
00439         candidates_->push(s, incrInserted);
00440     }
00441     inline void push(const int n, CoinTreeNode** nodes,
00442                      const bool incrInserted = true) {
00443         candidates_->push(n, nodes, incrInserted);
00444     }
00446     inline CoinTreeNode* bestQualityCandidate() const {
00447         return candidates_->top();
00448     }
00449     inline double bestQuality() const {
00450         return candidates_->top()->getQuality();
00451     }
00452     void newSolution(double solValue);
00453     void reevaluateSearchStrategy();
00454 };
00456 //#############################################################################
00458 #endif

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:06:32 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7