
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #ifndef ClpNonLinearCost_H
00004 #define ClpNonLinearCost_H
00007 #include "CoinPragma.hpp"
00009 class ClpSimplex;
00010 class CoinIndexedVector;
00029 /* status has original status and current status
00030    0 - below lower so stored is upper
00031    1 - in range 
00032    2 - above upper so stored is lower
00033    4 - (for current) - same as original
00034 */
00035 #define CLP_BELOW_LOWER 0
00036 #define CLP_FEASIBLE 1
00037 #define CLP_ABOVE_UPPER 2
00038 #define CLP_SAME 4
00039 inline int originalStatus(unsigned char status) 
00040 { return (status&15);}
00041 inline int currentStatus(unsigned char status) 
00042 { return (status>>4);}
00043 inline void setOriginalStatus(unsigned char & status,int value) 
00044 { status &= ~15;status |= value;}
00045 inline void setCurrentStatus(unsigned char &status,int value) 
00046 { status &= ~(15<<4);status |= (value<<4);}
00047 inline void setInitialStatus(unsigned char &status)
00048 { status = CLP_FEASIBLE | (CLP_SAME<<4);}
00049 inline void setSameStatus(unsigned char &status)
00050 { status &= ~(15<<4);status |= (CLP_SAME<<4);}
00051 // Use second version to get more speed
00052 //#define FAST_CLPNON
00053 #ifndef FAST_CLPNON
00054 #define CLP_METHOD1 ((method_&1)!=0)
00055 #define CLP_METHOD2 ((method_&2)!=0)
00056 #else
00057 #define CLP_METHOD1 (false)
00058 #define CLP_METHOD2 (true)
00059 #endif
00060 class ClpNonLinearCost  {
00062 public:
00064 public:
00069   ClpNonLinearCost();
00074   ClpNonLinearCost(ClpSimplex * model,int method=1);
00080   ClpNonLinearCost(ClpSimplex * model,const int * starts,
00081                    const double * lower, const double * cost);
00083   ~ClpNonLinearCost();
00084   // Copy
00085   ClpNonLinearCost(const ClpNonLinearCost&);
00086   // Assignment
00087   ClpNonLinearCost& operator=(const ClpNonLinearCost&);
00097   void checkInfeasibilities(double oldTolerance=0.0);
00101   void checkInfeasibilities(int numberInArray, const int * index);
00108   void checkChanged(int numberInArray, CoinIndexedVector * update);
00115   void goThru(int numberInArray, double multiplier,
00116               const int * index, const double * work,
00117               double * rhs);
00120   void goBack(int numberInArray, const int * index, 
00121               double * rhs);
00127   void goBackAll(const CoinIndexedVector * update);
00129   void zapCosts();
00131   void refreshCosts(const double * columnCosts);
00133   void feasibleBounds();
00137   double setOne(int sequence, double solutionValue);
00140   void setOne(int sequence, double solutionValue, double lowerValue, double upperValue,
00141               double costValue=0.0);
00145   int setOneOutgoing(int sequence, double &solutionValue);
00147   double nearest(int sequence, double solutionValue);
00151   inline double changeInCost(int sequence, double alpha) const
00152   {
00153     double returnValue=0.0;
00154     if (CLP_METHOD1) {
00155       int iRange = whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence];
00156       if (alpha>0.0)
00157         returnValue = cost_[iRange]-cost_[iRange-1];
00158       else
00159         returnValue = cost_[iRange]-cost_[iRange+1];
00160     }
00161     if (CLP_METHOD2) {
00162       returnValue = (alpha>0.0) ? infeasibilityWeight_ : -infeasibilityWeight_;
00163     }
00164     return returnValue;
00165   }
00166   inline double changeUpInCost(int sequence) const
00167   {
00168     double returnValue=0.0;
00169     if (CLP_METHOD1) {
00170       int iRange = whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence];
00171       if (iRange+1!=start_[sequence+1]&&!infeasible(iRange+1))
00172         returnValue = cost_[iRange]-cost_[iRange+1];
00173       else
00174         returnValue = -1.0e100;
00175     }
00176     if (CLP_METHOD2) {
00177       returnValue = -infeasibilityWeight_;
00178     }
00179     return returnValue;
00180   }
00181   inline double changeDownInCost(int sequence) const
00182   {
00183     double returnValue=0.0;
00184     if (CLP_METHOD1) {
00185       int iRange = whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence];
00186       if (iRange!=start_[sequence]&&!infeasible(iRange-1))
00187         returnValue = cost_[iRange]-cost_[iRange-1];
00188       else
00189         returnValue = 1.0e100;
00190     }
00191     if (CLP_METHOD2) {
00192       returnValue = infeasibilityWeight_;
00193     }
00194     return returnValue;
00195   }
00197   inline double changeInCost(int sequence, double alpha, double &rhs)
00198   {
00199     double returnValue=0.0;
00200 #ifdef NONLIN_DEBUG
00201     double saveRhs = rhs;
00202 #endif
00203     if (CLP_METHOD1) {
00204       int iRange = whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence];
00205       if (alpha>0.0) {
00206         assert(iRange-1>=start_[sequence]);
00207         offset_[sequence]--;
00208         rhs += lower_[iRange]-lower_[iRange-1];
00209         returnValue = alpha*(cost_[iRange]-cost_[iRange-1]);
00210       } else {
00211         assert(iRange+1<start_[sequence+1]-1);
00212         offset_[sequence]++;
00213         rhs += lower_[iRange+2]-lower_[iRange+1];
00214         returnValue = alpha*(cost_[iRange]-cost_[iRange+1]);
00215       }
00216     }
00217     if (CLP_METHOD2) {
00218 #ifdef NONLIN_DEBUG
00219       double saveRhs1=rhs;
00220       rhs = saveRhs;
00221 #endif
00222       int iStatus = status_[sequence];
00223       int iWhere = currentStatus(iStatus);
00224       if (iWhere==CLP_SAME)
00225         iWhere = originalStatus(iStatus);
00226       // rhs always increases
00227       if (iWhere==CLP_FEASIBLE) {
00228         if (alpha>0.0) {
00229           // going below
00230           iWhere=CLP_BELOW_LOWER;
00231           rhs = COIN_DBL_MAX;
00232         } else {
00233           // going above
00234           iWhere=CLP_ABOVE_UPPER;
00235           rhs = COIN_DBL_MAX;
00236         }
00237       } else if(iWhere==CLP_BELOW_LOWER) {
00238         assert (alpha<0);
00239         // going feasible
00240         iWhere=CLP_FEASIBLE;
00241         rhs += bound_[sequence] - model_->upperRegion()[sequence];
00242       } else {
00243         assert (iWhere==CLP_ABOVE_UPPER);
00244         // going feasible
00245         iWhere=CLP_FEASIBLE;
00246         rhs += model_->lowerRegion()[sequence]-bound_[sequence];
00247       }
00248       setCurrentStatus(status_[sequence],iWhere);
00249 #ifdef NONLIN_DEBUG
00250       assert(saveRhs1==rhs);
00251 #endif
00252       returnValue = fabs(alpha)*infeasibilityWeight_;
00253     }
00254     return returnValue;
00255   }
00257   inline double lower(int sequence) const
00258   { return lower_[whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence]];}
00260   inline double upper(int sequence) const
00261   { return lower_[whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence]+1];}
00263   inline double cost(int sequence) const
00264   { return cost_[whichRange_[sequence]+offset_[sequence]];}
00271   inline int numberInfeasibilities() const
00272   {return numberInfeasibilities_;}
00274   inline double changeInCost() const
00275   {return changeCost_;}
00277   inline double feasibleCost() const
00278   {return feasibleCost_;}
00280   double feasibleReportCost() const;
00282   inline double sumInfeasibilities() const
00283   {return sumInfeasibilities_;}
00285   inline double largestInfeasibility() const
00286   {return largestInfeasibility_;}
00288   inline double averageTheta() const
00289   {return averageTheta_;}
00290   inline void setAverageTheta(double value)
00291   {averageTheta_=value;}
00292   inline void setChangeInCost(double value) 
00293   {changeCost_ = value;}
00294   inline void setMethod(int value) 
00295   {method_ = value;}
00297   inline bool lookBothWays() const
00298   { return bothWays_;}
00301   inline bool infeasible(int i) const {
00302     return ((infeasible_[i>>5]>>(i&31))&1)!=0;
00303   }
00304   inline void setInfeasible(int i,bool trueFalse) {
00305     unsigned int & value = infeasible_[i>>5];
00306     int bit = i&31;
00307     if (trueFalse)
00308       value |= (1<<bit);
00309     else
00310       value &= ~(1<<bit);
00311   }
00312   inline unsigned char * statusArray() const
00313   { return status_;}
00315   void validate();
00318 private:
00322   double changeCost_;
00324   double feasibleCost_;
00326   double infeasibilityWeight_;
00328   double largestInfeasibility_;
00330   double sumInfeasibilities_;
00332   double averageTheta_;
00334   int numberRows_;
00336   int numberColumns_;
00338   int * start_;
00340   int * whichRange_;
00342   int * offset_;
00346   double * lower_;
00348   double * cost_;
00350   ClpSimplex * model_;
00351   // Array to say which regions are infeasible
00352   unsigned int * infeasible_;
00354   int numberInfeasibilities_;
00355   // new stuff
00357   unsigned char * status_;
00359   double * bound_;
00361   double * cost2_;
00363   int method_;
00365   bool convex_;
00367   bool bothWays_;
00369 };
00371 #endif

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:06:32 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7