
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // LAST EDIT: 
00002 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 // name: Mixed Integer Rounding Cut Generator
00004 // authors: Joao Goncalves (jog7@lehigh.edu) 
00005 //          Laszlo Ladanyi (ladanyi@us.ibm.com) 
00006 // date: August 11, 2004 
00007 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00008 // Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines Corporation and others. 
00009 // All Rights Reserved.
00010 // This code is published under the Common Public License.
00012 #ifndef CglMixedIntegerRounding2_H
00013 #define CglMixedIntegerRounding2_H
00015 #include <iostream>
00016 #include <fstream>
00017 //#include <vector>
00019 #include "CoinError.hpp"
00021 #include "CglCutGenerator.hpp"
00022 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
00024 //=============================================================================
00026 #ifndef CGL_DEBUG
00027 #define CGL_DEBUG 0
00028 #endif
00030 //=============================================================================
00032 // Class to store variable upper bounds (VUB)
00033 class CglMixIntRoundVUB2
00034 {
00035   // Variable upper bounds have the form x_j <= a y_j, where x_j is
00036   // a continuous variable and y_j is an integer variable
00038 protected:
00039   int    var_;            // The index of y_j
00040   double val_;            // The value of a 
00042 public:
00043   // Default constructor
00044   CglMixIntRoundVUB2() : var_(-1), val_(-1) {}
00046   // Copy constructor
00047   CglMixIntRoundVUB2(const CglMixIntRoundVUB2& source) { 
00048     var_ = source.var_; 
00049     val_ = source.val_; 
00050   } 
00052   // Assignment operator
00053   CglMixIntRoundVUB2& operator=(const CglMixIntRoundVUB2& rhs) { 
00054     if (this != &rhs) { 
00055       var_ = rhs.var_; 
00056       val_ = rhs.val_; 
00057     }
00058     return *this; 
00059   }
00061   // Destructor
00062   ~CglMixIntRoundVUB2() {}
00064   // Query and set functions
00065   int    getVar() const          { return var_; }
00066   double getVal() const          { return val_; }
00067   void   setVar(const int v)     { var_ = v; }
00068   void   setVal(const double v)  { val_ = v; }
00069 };
00071 //=============================================================================
00073 // Class to store variable lower bounds (VLB).
00074 // It is the same as the class to store variable upper bounds
00075 typedef CglMixIntRoundVUB2 CglMixIntRoundVLB2;
00077 //=============================================================================
00081 // Reference: 
00082 //    Hugues Marchand and Laurence A. Wolsey
00083 //    Aggregation and Mixed Integer Rounding to Solve MIPs
00084 //    Operations Research, 49(3), May-June 2001.
00085 //    Also published as CORE Dicusion Paper 9839, June 1998.
00087 class CglMixedIntegerRounding2 : public CglCutGenerator {
00089   friend void CglMixedIntegerRounding2UnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface * siP,
00090                                                const std::string mpdDir);
00093 private:
00094   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00095   // Enumeration constants that describe the various types of rows
00096   enum RowType {
00097     // The row type of this row is NOT defined yet.
00098     ROW_UNDEFINED,
00102     ROW_VARUB,
00106     ROW_VARLB,
00109     ROW_VAREQ,
00110     // The row contains continuous and integer variables;
00111     // the total number of variables is at least 2
00112     ROW_MIX,
00113     // The row contains only continuous variables
00114     ROW_CONT,
00115     // The row contains only integer variables
00116     ROW_INT,
00117     // The row contains other types of rows
00118     ROW_OTHER
00119   };
00122 public:
00130   virtual void generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface & si, OsiCuts & cs,
00131                             const CglTreeInfo info = CglTreeInfo()) const;
00134   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00138   CglMixedIntegerRounding2 ();
00141   CglMixedIntegerRounding2 (const int maxaggr,
00142                             const bool multiply,
00143                             const int criterion,
00144                             const int preproc = -1);
00147   CglMixedIntegerRounding2 (
00148     const CglMixedIntegerRounding2 &);
00151   virtual CglCutGenerator * clone() const;
00154   CglMixedIntegerRounding2 &
00155     operator=(
00156     const CglMixedIntegerRounding2& rhs);
00159   virtual
00160     ~CglMixedIntegerRounding2 ();
00162   virtual void refreshSolver(OsiSolverInterface * solver);
00164   virtual std::string generateCpp( FILE * fp);
00167   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00171   inline void setMAXAGGR_ (int maxaggr) {
00172     if (maxaggr > 0) {
00173       MAXAGGR_ = maxaggr;
00174     }
00175     else {
00176       throw CoinError("Unallowable value. maxaggr must be > 0",
00177                       "gutsOfConstruct","CglMixedIntegerRounding2");
00178     }
00179   }
00182   inline int getMAXAGGR_ () const { return MAXAGGR_; }
00185   inline void setMULTIPLY_ (bool multiply) { MULTIPLY_ = multiply; }
00188   inline bool getMULTIPLY_ () const { return MULTIPLY_; }
00191   inline void setCRITERION_ (int criterion) {
00192     if ((criterion >= 1) && (criterion <= 3)) {
00193       CRITERION_ = criterion;
00194     }
00195     else {
00196       throw CoinError("Unallowable value. criterion must be 1, 2 or 3",
00197                       "gutsOfConstruct","CglMixedIntegerRounding2");
00198     }
00199   }
00202   inline int getCRITERION_ () const { return CRITERION_; }
00205   void setDoPreproc(int value);
00207   bool getDoPreproc() const;
00210 private:
00211   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00212   // Private member methods
00214   // Construct
00215   void gutsOfConstruct ( const int maxaggr,
00216                          const bool multiply,
00217                          const int criterion,
00218                          const int preproc);
00220   // Delete
00221   void gutsOfDelete();
00223   // Copy
00224   void gutsOfCopy (const CglMixedIntegerRounding2& rhs);
00226   // Do preprocessing.
00227   // It determines the type of each row. It also identifies the variable
00228   // upper bounds and variable lower bounds.
00229   // It may change sense and RHS for ranged rows
00230   void mixIntRoundPreprocess(const OsiSolverInterface& si) const;
00232   // Determine the type of a given row.
00233   RowType determineRowType(const OsiSolverInterface& si,
00234                            const int rowLen, const int* ind, 
00235                            const double* coef, const char sense, 
00236                            const double rhs) const;
00238   // Generate MIR cuts
00239   void generateMirCuts( const OsiSolverInterface& si,
00240                         const double* xlp,
00241                         const double* colUpperBound,
00242                         const double* colLowerBound,
00243                         const CoinPackedMatrix& matrixByRow,
00244                         const double* LHS,
00245                         const double* coefByRow,
00246                         const int* colInds,
00247                         const int* rowStarts,
00248                         const int* rowLengths,
00249                         const CoinPackedMatrix& matrixByCol,
00250                         const double* coefByCol,
00251                         const int* rowInds,
00252                         const int* colStarts,
00253                         const int* colLengths,
00254                         OsiCuts& cs ) const;
00256   // Copy row selected to CoinIndexedVector
00257   void copyRowSelected( const int iAggregate,
00258                         const int rowSelected,
00259                         CoinIndexedVector& setRowsAggregated,
00260                         int* listRowsAggregated,
00261                         double* xlpExtra,
00262                         const char sen,
00263                         const double rhs,
00264                         const double lhs,
00265                         const CoinPackedMatrix& matrixByRow,
00266                         CoinIndexedVector& rowToAggregate,
00267                         double& rhsToAggregate) const;
00269   // Select a row to aggregate
00270   bool selectRowToAggregate( const OsiSolverInterface& si,
00271                              const CoinIndexedVector& rowAggregated,
00272                              const double* colUpperBound,
00273                              const double* colLowerBound,
00274                              const CoinIndexedVector& setRowsAggregated,
00275                              const double* xlp, const double* coefByCol,
00276                              const int* rowInds, const int* colStarts,
00277                              const int* colLengths,
00278                              int& rowSelected,
00279                              int& colSelected ) const;
00281   // Aggregation heuristic. 
00282   // Combines one or more rows of the original matrix 
00283   void aggregateRow( const int colSelected,
00284                      CoinIndexedVector& rowToAggregate, double rhs,
00285                      CoinIndexedVector& rowAggregated, 
00286                      double& rhsAggregated ) const;
00288   // Choose the bound substitution based on the criteria defined by the user
00289   inline bool isLowerSubst(const double inf, 
00290                            const double aj,
00291                            const double xlp, 
00292                            const double LB, 
00293                            const double UB) const;
00295   // Bound substitution heuristic
00296   bool boundSubstitution( const OsiSolverInterface& si,
00297                           const CoinIndexedVector& rowAggregated,
00298                           const double* xlp,
00299                           const double* xlpExtra,
00300                           const double* colUpperBound,
00301                           const double* colLowerBound,
00302                           CoinIndexedVector& mixedKnapsack,
00303                           double& rhsMixedKnapsack, double& sStar,
00304                           CoinIndexedVector& contVariablesInS ) const;
00306   // c-MIR separation heuristic
00307   bool cMirSeparation ( const OsiSolverInterface& si,
00308                         const CoinPackedMatrix& matrixByRow,
00309                         const CoinIndexedVector& rowAggregated,
00310                         const int* listRowsAggregated,
00311                         const char* sense, const double* RHS,
00312                         const double* coefByRow,
00313                         const int* colInds, const int* rowStarts,
00314                         const int* rowLengths,
00315                         const double* xlp, const double sStar,
00316                         const double* colUpperBound,
00317                         const double* colLowerBound,
00318                         const CoinIndexedVector& mixedKnapsack,
00319                         const double& rhsMixedKnapsack,
00320                         const CoinIndexedVector& contVariablesInS,
00321                         CoinIndexedVector * workVector,
00322                         OsiRowCut& flowCut ) const;
00324   // function to create one c-MIR inequality
00325   void cMirInequality( const int numInt, 
00326                        const double delta,
00327                        const double numeratorBeta,
00328                        const int *knapsackIndices,
00329                        const double* knapsackElements,
00330                        const double* xlp, 
00331                        const double sStar,             
00332                        const double* colUpperBound,
00333                        const CoinIndexedVector& setC,
00334                        CoinIndexedVector& cMIR,
00335                        double& rhscMIR,
00336                        double& sCoef,
00337                        double& violation) const;
00339   // function to compute G
00340   inline double functionG( const double d, const double f ) const;
00342   // function to print statistics (used only in debug mode)
00343   void printStats(
00344                             std::ofstream & fout,
00345                             const bool hasCut,
00346                             const OsiSolverInterface& si,
00347                             const CoinIndexedVector& rowAggregated,
00348                             const double& rhsAggregated, const double* xlp,
00349                             const double* xlpExtra,
00350                             const int* listRowsAggregated,
00351                             const int* listColsSelected,
00352                             const int level,
00353                             const double* colUpperBound,
00354                             const double* colLowerBound ) const;
00357 private:
00358   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00359   // Private member data
00361   // Maximum number of rows to aggregate
00362   int MAXAGGR_;
00363   // Flag that indicates if an aggregated row is also multiplied by -1
00364   bool MULTIPLY_;
00365   // The criterion to use in the bound substitution
00366   int CRITERION_;
00367   // Tolerance used for numerical purposes
00368   double EPSILON_;
00370   int UNDEFINED_;
00371   // If violation of a cut is greater that this number, the cut is accepted
00372   double TOLERANCE_;
00380   int doPreproc_;
00381   // The number of rows of the problem.
00382   mutable int numRows_;
00383   // The number columns of the problem.
00384   mutable int numCols_;
00385   // Indicates whether preprocessing has been done.
00386   mutable bool doneInitPre_;
00387   // The array of CglMixIntRoundVUB2s.
00388   mutable CglMixIntRoundVUB2* vubs_;
00389   // The array of CglMixIntRoundVLB2s.
00390   mutable CglMixIntRoundVLB2* vlbs_;
00391   // Array with the row types of the rows in the model.
00392   mutable RowType* rowTypes_;
00393   // The indices of the rows of the initial matrix
00394   mutable int* indRows_;
00395   // The number of rows of type ROW_MIX
00396   mutable int numRowMix_;
00397   // The indices of the rows of type ROW_MIX
00398   mutable int* indRowMix_;
00399   // The number of rows of type ROW_CONT
00400   mutable int numRowCont_;
00401   // The indices of the rows of type ROW_CONT
00402   mutable int* indRowCont_;
00403   // The number of rows of type ROW_INT
00404   mutable int numRowInt_;
00405   // The indices of the rows of type ROW_INT
00406   mutable int* indRowInt_;
00407   // The number of rows of type ROW_CONT that have at least one variable
00408   // with variable upper or lower bound
00409   mutable int numRowContVB_;
00410   // The indices of the rows of type ROW_CONT that have at least one variable
00411   // with variable upper or lower bound
00412   mutable int* indRowContVB_;
00413   // If integer - for speed
00414   mutable char * integerType_;
00415   // Sense of rows (modified if ranges)
00416   mutable char * sense_;
00417   // RHS of rows (modified if ranges)
00418   mutable double * RHS_;
00420 };
00422 //#############################################################################
00423 // A function that tests the methods in the CglMixedIntegerRounding2 class. The
00424 // only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't
00425 // have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the
00426 // library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be
00427 // compiled with debugging.
00428 void CglMixedIntegerRounding2UnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface * siP,
00429                                       const std::string mpdDir);
00431 #endif

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:06:31 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7