
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*===========================================================================*
00002  * This file is part of the Bcps Linear Solver (BLIS).                       *
00003  *                                                                           *
00004  * BLIS is distributed under the Common Public License as part of the        *
00005  * COIN-OR repository (http://www.coin-or.org).                              *
00006  *                                                                           *
00007  * Authors:                                                                  *
00008  *                                                                           *
00009  *          Yan Xu, Lehigh University                                        *
00010  *          Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University                                    *
00011  *                                                                           *
00012  * Conceptual Design:                                                        *
00013  *                                                                           *
00014  *          Yan Xu, Lehigh University                                        *
00015  *          Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University                                    *
00016  *          Laszlo Ladanyi, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center                  *
00017  *          Matthew Saltzman, Clemson University                             *
00018  *                                                                           * 
00019  *                                                                           *
00020  * Copyright (C) 2001-2005, International Business Machines                  *
00021  * Corporation, Lehigh University, Yan Xu, Ted Ralphs, Matthew Salzman and   *
00022  * others. All Rights Reserved.                                              *
00023  *===========================================================================*/
00025 #ifndef BlisParams_h
00026 #define BlisParams_h
00028 #include "AlpsKnowledge.h"
00029 #include "AlpsParameterBase.h"
00032 //#############################################################################
00033 //#############################################################################
00035 //** Parameters used in Blis. */
00036 class BlisParams : public AlpsParameterSet {
00037  public:
00040   enum boolParams{
00042     useCons,
00044     useHeuristics,
00046     cutDuringRampup,
00047     //
00048     endOfBoolParams
00049   };
00052   enum intParams{
00054       strongCandSize,
00065       branchStrategy,
00073       heurRound,
00081       cutClique,
00082       cutGomory,
00083       cutFlowCover,
00084       cutKnapsack,
00085       cutMir,
00086       cutOddHole,
00087       cutProbing,
00088       cutTwoMir,
00090       pseudoRelibility,
00092       lookAhead,
00093       //
00094       endOfIntParams
00095   };
00098   enum dblParams{
00100     integerTol,
00104     cutoffInc,
00108     optimalRelGap,
00112     optimalAbsGap,
00115     pseudoWeight,
00119     cutFactor,
00122     denseConFactor,
00125     scaleConFactor,
00126     //
00127     endOfDblParams
00128   };
00131   enum strParams{
00132     strDummy,
00133     //
00134     endOfStrParams
00135   };
00138   enum strArrayParams{
00139     strArrayDummy,
00140     //
00141     endOfStrArrayParams
00142   };
00144  public:
00150   BlisParams() :
00151     AlpsParameterSet(
00152                      static_cast<int>(endOfBoolParams),
00153                      static_cast<int>(endOfIntParams),
00154                      static_cast<int>(endOfDblParams),
00155                      static_cast<int>(endOfStrParams),
00156                      static_cast<int>(endOfStrArrayParams)
00157                      )
00158     {
00159       createKeywordList();
00160       setDefaultEntries();
00161     }
00166   virtual void createKeywordList();
00168   virtual void setDefaultEntries();
00172  public:
00173   //===========================================================================
00181   //===========================================================================
00193   inline bool entry(const boolParams key) const { return bpar_[key]; }
00195   inline int entry(const intParams key) const { return ipar_[key]; }
00197   inline double  entry(const dblParams key) const { return dpar_[key]; }
00199   inline const std::string&
00200     entry(const strParams key) const { return spar_[key]; }
00202   inline const std::vector<std::string>&
00203     entry(const strArrayParams key) const { return sapar_[key]; }
00206   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00208   void setEntry(const boolParams key, const char * val) {
00209           bpar_[key] = atoi(val) ? true : false; }
00211   void setEntry(const boolParams key, const char val) {
00212           bpar_[key] = val ? true : false; }
00214   void setEntry(const boolParams key, const bool val) {
00215     bpar_[key] = val; }
00217   void setEntry(const intParams key, const char * val) {
00218     ipar_[key] = atoi(val); }
00220   void setEntry(const intParams key, const int val) {
00221     ipar_[key] = val; }
00223   void setEntry(const dblParams key, const char * val) {
00224     dpar_[key] = atof(val); }
00226   void setEntry(const dblParams key, const double val) {
00227     dpar_[key] = val; }
00229   void setEntry(const strParams key, const char * val) {
00230     spar_[key] = val; }
00232   void setEntry(const strArrayParams key, const char *val) {
00233     sapar_[key].push_back(val); }
00235   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00241   void pack(AlpsEncoded& buf) {
00242     buf.writeRep(bpar_, endOfBoolParams)
00243       .writeRep(ipar_, endOfIntParams)
00244       .writeRep(dpar_, endOfDblParams);
00245     for (int i = 0; i < endOfStrParams; ++i)
00246       buf.writeRep(spar_[i]);
00247     for (int i = 0; i < endOfStrArrayParams; ++i) {
00248       buf.writeRep(sapar_[i].size());
00249       for (size_t j = 0; j < sapar_[i].size(); ++j)
00250         buf.writeRep(sapar_[i][j]);
00251     }
00252   }
00254   void unpack(AlpsEncoded& buf) {
00255     int dummy;
00256     // No need to allocate the arrays, they are of fixed length
00257     dummy = static_cast<int>(endOfBoolParams);
00258     buf.readRep(bpar_, dummy, false);
00259     dummy = static_cast<int>(endOfIntParams);
00260     buf.readRep(ipar_, dummy, false);
00261     dummy = static_cast<int>(endOfDblParams);
00262     buf.readRep(dpar_, dummy, false);
00263     for (int i = 0; i < endOfStrParams; ++i)
00264       buf.readRep(spar_[i]);
00265     for (int i = 0; i < endOfStrArrayParams; ++i) {
00266       size_t str_size;
00267       buf.readRep(str_size);
00268       sapar_[i].reserve(str_size);
00269       for (size_t j = 0; j < str_size; ++j){
00270         //      sapar_[i].unchecked_push_back(std::string());
00271         sapar_[i].push_back(std::string());
00272         buf.readRep(sapar_[i].back());
00273       }
00274     }
00275   }
00278 };
00280 #endif

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:06:30 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7