
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #ifndef _BCP_TM_NODE
00004 #define _BCP_TM_NODE
00006 //#include <cfloat>
00008 #include "BCP_math.hpp"
00009 #include "BCP_vector.hpp"
00014 enum BCP_tm_node_status{
00016     BCP_DefaultNode,
00018     BCP_ProcessedNode,
00020     BCP_ActiveNode,
00022     BCP_PrunedNode_OverUB,
00024     BCP_PrunedNode_Infeas,
00026     BCP_PrunedNode_Discarded,
00028     BCP_CandidateNode,
00030     BCP_NextPhaseNode_OverUB,
00032     BCP_NextPhaseNode_Infeas
00033 };
00035 //#############################################################################
00037 class BCP_proc_id;
00038 class BCP_node_change;
00039 class BCP_user_data;
00041 class BCP_tm_node;
00042 class BCP_tm_prob;
00044 //#############################################################################
00048 class BCP_tm_node {
00049 private:
00053     BCP_tm_node(const BCP_tm_node&);
00055     BCP_tm_node& operator=(const BCP_tm_node&);
00058     // NOTE: deleting a tree_node deletes the whole subtree below!
00059 public:
00061     // *FIXME* break into groups 
00064     BCP_tm_node_status status;
00066     int _index;
00068     int _level;
00070     double _quality;
00072     double _true_lower_bound;
00074     BCP_node_change* _desc;
00076     BCP_tm_node* _parent;
00078     BCP_user_data* _user_data;
00080     int _birth_index;
00082     BCP_vec<BCP_tm_node*> _children;
00084     BCP_proc_id* lp;
00086     BCP_proc_id* cg;
00088     BCP_proc_id* cp;
00090     BCP_proc_id* vg;
00092     BCP_proc_id* vp;
00094     int _processed_leaf_num;
00096     int _pruned_leaf_num;
00098     int _tobepriced_leaf_num;
00100     int _leaf_num;
00103 public:
00107     BCP_tm_node(int level, BCP_node_change* desc) :
00108         status(BCP_DefaultNode),
00109         _index(0),
00110         _level(level),
00111         _quality(-BCP_DBL_MAX),
00112         _true_lower_bound(-BCP_DBL_MAX),
00113         _desc(desc),
00114         _parent(0),
00115         _user_data(0),
00116         _birth_index(-1),
00117         _children(),
00118         lp(0), cg(0), cp(0), vg(0), vp(0),
00119         _processed_leaf_num(0),
00120         _pruned_leaf_num(0),
00121         _tobepriced_leaf_num(0),
00122         _leaf_num(0)
00123     {}
00126     BCP_tm_node(int level, BCP_node_change* desc,
00127                 BCP_tm_node* parent, int index) :
00128         status(BCP_DefaultNode),
00129         _index(0),
00130         _level(level),
00131         _quality(-BCP_DBL_MAX),
00132         _true_lower_bound(-BCP_DBL_MAX),
00133         _desc(desc),
00134         _parent(0),
00135         _user_data(0),
00136         _birth_index(-1),
00137         _children(),
00138         lp(0), cg(0), cp(0), vg(0), vp(0),
00139         _processed_leaf_num(0),
00140         _pruned_leaf_num(0),
00141         _tobepriced_leaf_num(0),
00142         _leaf_num(0)
00143     {}
00146     ~BCP_tm_node();
00152     inline int index() const { return _index; }
00154     inline int level() const { return _level; }
00156     inline int child_num() const { return _children.size(); }
00158     inline double quality() const { return _quality; }
00160     inline double true_lower_bound() const { return _true_lower_bound; }
00162     inline int birth_index() const { return _birth_index; }
00165     inline BCP_user_data* user_data() { return _user_data; }
00167     inline BCP_tm_node* child(int ind) { return _children[ind]; }
00169     inline BCP_tm_node* parent() { return _parent; }
00172     inline const BCP_user_data* user_data() const { return _user_data; }
00174     inline const BCP_tm_node* child(int ind) const { return _children[ind]; }
00176     inline const BCP_tm_node* parent() const { return _parent; }
00183     // Marking the descendants for deletion means that their _index fields are
00184     // set to -1. The reason is that some book-keeping must be one with the CP,
00185     // VP processes; with the next phase list, with the priority queue of the
00186     // current phase (and maybe sthing else?). So this function only marks, and
00187     // the data will be deleted later.
00188     int mark_descendants_for_deletion();
00190     void remove_child(BCP_tm_node* node);
00192     inline void reserve_child_num(int num) { _children.reserve(num); }
00194     inline void new_child(BCP_tm_node* node) { _children.push_back(node); }
00196 };
00198 //#############################################################################
00202 class BCP_tree {
00203 private:
00205     BCP_vec<BCP_tm_node*> _tree;
00207     int maxdepth_;
00208     int processed_;
00210 public:
00214     BCP_tree() : _tree(), maxdepth_(0), processed_(0) {}
00216     ~BCP_tree() {
00217         for (int i = _tree.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
00218             delete _tree[i];
00219         }
00220     }
00226     inline BCP_vec<BCP_tm_node*>::iterator begin() { return _tree.begin(); }
00228     inline BCP_vec<BCP_tm_node*>::iterator end()   { return _tree.end(); }
00231     inline BCP_tm_node* root() { return _tree.front(); }
00233     inline BCP_tm_node* operator[](int index) { return _tree[index]; }
00235     inline size_t size() const { return _tree.size(); }
00237     inline int maxdepth() const { return maxdepth_; }
00239     inline int processed() const { return processed_; }
00240     inline void increase_processed() { ++processed_; }
00246     double true_lower_bound(const BCP_tm_node* node) const;
00248     void enumerate_leaves(BCP_tm_node* node, const double obj_limit);
00250     inline void insert(BCP_tm_node* node) {
00251         node->_index = _tree.size();
00252         _tree.push_back(node);
00253         if (node->_level > maxdepth_)
00254             maxdepth_ = node->_level;
00255     }
00256     inline void remove(int index) {
00257         _tree[index] = 0;
00258     }
00260 };
00262 //#############################################################################
00264 class BCP_node_queue {
00265 private:
00266     BCP_node_queue();
00267     BCP_node_queue(const BCP_node_queue&);
00268     BCP_node_queue& operator=(const BCP_node_queue&);
00270 private:
00275     BCP_tm_prob& _p;
00280     BCP_vec<BCP_tm_node*> _pq;
00283 public:
00287     BCP_node_queue(BCP_tm_prob& p) : _p(p), _pq() { _pq.push_back(NULL); }
00289     ~BCP_node_queue() {}
00293     inline bool empty() const { return _pq.size() == 1; }
00296     BCP_tm_node* top() const { return _pq[1]; }
00299     void pop();
00302     void insert(BCP_tm_node* node);
00306     void compare_to_UB(int& quality_above_UB, int& quality_below_UB);
00307 };
00309 //#############################################################################
00311 #endif

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:06:29 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7