
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #ifndef _BCP_LP_BRANCH_H
00004 #define _BCP_LP_BRANCH_H
00006 // This file is fully docified.
00008 #include "BCP_math.hpp"
00009 #include "BCP_enum_branch.hpp"
00010 #include "BCP_vector.hpp"
00011 #include "BCP_lp_result.hpp"
00012 #include "BCP_USER.hpp"
00013 #include "BCP_var.hpp"
00014 #include "BCP_cut.hpp"
00015 #include "BCP_matrix.hpp"
00017 //#############################################################################
00019 class OsiSolverInterface;
00021 //#############################################################################
00023 // ----------
00024 // All a branching object does are:
00025 // - add cuts and/or variables
00026 // - change bounds on cuts and/or variables
00027 //#############################################################################
00029 // *THINK* : Maybe the methods should be hidden???
00031 // *THINK* : Maybe we should just use vectors instead of pointers to vectors?
00032 // *THINK* : It'd simplify things and would not be significant extra storage
00033 // *THINK* : (maybe none at all, depending pon the system operator new...)
00045 class BCP_lp_branching_object {
00046 private:
00050         BCP_lp_branching_object(const BCP_lp_branching_object&);
00052         BCP_lp_branching_object& operator=(const BCP_lp_branching_object&);
00055 public:
00059         int child_num;
00061         BCP_vec<BCP_var*>* vars_to_add;
00063         BCP_vec<BCP_cut*>* cuts_to_add;
00072         BCP_vec<int>* forced_var_pos;
00077         BCP_vec<int>* forced_cut_pos;
00082         BCP_vec<double>* forced_var_bd;
00087         BCP_vec<double>* forced_cut_bd;
00101         BCP_vec<int>* implied_var_pos;
00103         BCP_vec<int>* implied_cut_pos;
00105         BCP_vec<double>* implied_var_bd;
00107         BCP_vec<double>* implied_cut_bd;
00111 public:
00119         explicit BCP_lp_branching_object(const int children,
00120                                                                          BCP_vec<BCP_var*>* const new_vars,
00121                                                                          BCP_vec<BCP_cut*>* const new_cuts,
00122                                                                          const BCP_vec<int>* const fvp,
00123                                                                          const BCP_vec<int>* const fcp,
00124                                                                          const BCP_vec<double>* const fvb,
00125                                                                          const BCP_vec<double>* const fcb,
00126                                                                          const BCP_vec<int>* const ivp,
00127                                                                          const BCP_vec<int>* const icp,
00128                                                                          const BCP_vec<double>* const ivb,
00129                                                                          const BCP_vec<double>* const icb ) :
00130                 child_num(children),
00131                 vars_to_add(0), cuts_to_add(0),
00132                 forced_var_pos(0), forced_cut_pos(0),
00133                 forced_var_bd(0), forced_cut_bd(0),
00134                 implied_var_pos(0), implied_cut_pos(0),
00135                 implied_var_bd(0), implied_cut_bd(0)
00136         {
00137                 if ( ((fvp == 0) ^ (fvb == 0)) || ((fcp == 0) ^ (fcb == 0)) || 
00138                          ((ivp == 0) ^ (ivb == 0)) || ((icp == 0) ^ (icb == 0)) )
00139                         throw BCP_fatal_error("Bad args to BCP_lp_branching_object()\n");
00140                 if ( (fvp && (2 * children* fvp->size() != fvb->size())) ||
00141                          (fcp && (2 * children* fcp->size() != fcb->size())) ||
00142                          (ivp && (2 * children* ivp->size() != ivb->size())) ||
00143                          (icp && (2 * children* icp->size() != icb->size())) )
00144                         throw BCP_fatal_error("Bad args to BCP_lp_branching_object()\n");
00146                 if (new_vars) {
00147                         vars_to_add = new BCP_vec<BCP_var*>(*new_vars);
00148                         new_vars->clear();
00149                 }
00150                 if (new_cuts) {
00151                         cuts_to_add = new BCP_vec<BCP_cut*>(*new_cuts);
00152                         new_cuts->clear();
00153                 }
00155                 if (fvp) forced_var_pos = new BCP_vec<int>(*fvp);
00156                 if (fcp) forced_cut_pos = new BCP_vec<int>(*fcp);
00157                 if (fvb) forced_var_bd = new BCP_vec<double>(*fvb);
00158                 if (fcb) forced_cut_bd = new BCP_vec<double>(*fcb);
00160                 if (ivp) implied_var_pos = new BCP_vec<int>(*ivp);
00161                 if (icp) implied_cut_pos = new BCP_vec<int>(*icp);
00162                 if (ivb) implied_var_bd = new BCP_vec<double>(*ivb);
00163                 if (icb) implied_cut_bd = new BCP_vec<double>(*icb);
00164         }
00166         // NOTE: when the desctructor `delete's vars_to_add and cuts_to_add, it
00167         // will just delete the pointers in the BCP_lp_..._sets (see the
00168         // destructors of those classes). But this is intentional, because the
00169         // vars/cuts will be actually deleted only later, when the unnecessery
00170         // ones are deleted from the formulation.
00172         ~BCP_lp_branching_object() {
00173                 delete vars_to_add;     delete cuts_to_add;
00174                 delete forced_var_pos;  delete forced_cut_pos;
00175                 delete forced_var_bd;   delete forced_cut_bd;
00176                 delete implied_var_pos; delete implied_cut_pos;
00177                 delete implied_var_bd;  delete implied_cut_bd;
00178         }
00185         inline int vars_affected() const {
00186                 return
00187                         (forced_var_bd ? forced_var_bd->size() / (2*child_num) : 0) +
00188                         (implied_var_bd ? implied_var_bd->size() / (2*child_num) : 0);
00189         }
00192         inline int cuts_affected() const {
00193                 return
00194                         (forced_cut_bd ? forced_cut_bd->size() / (2*child_num) : 0) +
00195                         (implied_cut_bd ? implied_cut_bd->size() / (2*child_num) : 0);
00196         }
00198         inline int vars_added() const {
00199                 return vars_to_add ? vars_to_add->size() : 0;
00200         }
00202         inline int cuts_added() const {
00203                 return cuts_to_add ? cuts_to_add->size() : 0;
00204         }
00209         inline
00210         BCP_vec<double>::const_iterator forced_var_bd_child(const int index)const {
00211                 return forced_var_bd->entry(2 * forced_var_pos->size() * index);
00212         }
00217         inline
00218         BCP_vec<double>::const_iterator forced_cut_bd_child(const int index)const {
00219                 return forced_cut_bd->entry(2 * forced_cut_pos->size() * index);
00220         }
00225         inline
00226         BCP_vec<double>::const_iterator implied_var_bd_child(const int index)const{
00227                 return implied_var_bd->entry(2 * implied_var_pos->size() * index);
00228         }
00233         inline
00234         BCP_vec<double>::const_iterator implied_cut_bd_child(const int index)const{
00235                 return implied_cut_bd->entry(2 * implied_cut_pos->size() * index);
00236         }
00241         // this routine reorders the positions/bounds as well so that the positions
00242         // are in increasing order (the vars/cuts are already added to the problem,
00243         // no need to reorder those, too)
00249         void init_pos_for_added(const int added_vars_start,
00250                                                         const int added_cuts_start);
00254         void apply_child_bd(OsiSolverInterface* lp, const int child_ind) const;
00257         void print_branching_info(const int orig_varnum,
00258                                                           const double* x, const double * obj) const;
00260 };
00262 //#############################################################################
00274 class BCP_presolved_lp_brobj {
00275 private:
00279         BCP_presolved_lp_brobj(const BCP_presolved_lp_brobj&);
00281         BCP_presolved_lp_brobj& operator=(const BCP_presolved_lp_brobj&);
00284 private:
00289         BCP_lp_branching_object* _candidate;
00291         BCP_vec<BCP_lp_result*> _lpres;
00292         // what to do with each child
00296         BCP_vec<BCP_child_action> _child_action;
00300         BCP_vec<BCP_user_data*> _user_data;
00302         BCP_vec< BCP_vec<BCP_cut*> > _new_cuts;
00303         BCP_vec< BCP_vec<BCP_row*> > _new_rows;
00306 public:
00311         explicit BCP_presolved_lp_brobj(BCP_lp_branching_object* candidate) :
00312                 _candidate(candidate),
00313                 _lpres(),
00314                 _child_action(candidate->child_num, BCP_ReturnChild),
00315                 _user_data(candidate->child_num, NULL)
00316         {
00317                 _lpres.reserve(candidate->child_num);
00318                 for (int i = candidate->child_num; i; --i) {
00319                         _lpres.unchecked_push_back(new BCP_lp_result);
00320                         _new_cuts.push_back(BCP_vec<BCP_cut*>());
00321                         _new_rows.push_back(BCP_vec<BCP_row*>());
00322                 }
00323         }
00326         ~BCP_presolved_lp_brobj() {
00327                 purge_ptr_vector(_lpres);
00328                 purge_ptr_vector(_user_data);
00329                 for (int i = _new_cuts.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
00330                         purge_ptr_vector(_new_cuts[i]);
00331                         purge_ptr_vector(_new_rows[i]);
00332                 }
00333         }
00341         inline BCP_lp_branching_object* candidate() {
00342                 return _candidate;
00343         }
00345         inline const BCP_lp_branching_object* candidate() const {
00346                 return _candidate;
00347         }
00350         inline const BCP_lp_result& lpres(const int child_ind) const {
00351                 return *(_lpres[child_ind]);
00352         }
00356         inline BCP_vec<BCP_child_action>& action() {
00357                 return _child_action;
00358         }
00360         inline const BCP_vec<BCP_child_action>& action() const {
00361                 return _child_action;
00362         }
00367         inline BCP_vec<BCP_user_data*>& user_data() {
00368                 return _user_data;
00369         }
00371         inline const BCP_vec<BCP_user_data*>& user_data() const {
00372                 return _user_data;
00373         }
00377         const bool fathomable(const double objval_limit) const;
00380         const bool had_numerical_problems() const; 
00385         inline void initialize_lower_bound(const double val) {
00386                 for (int i = _candidate->child_num - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
00387                         _lpres[i]->fake_objective_value(val);
00388                 }
00389         }
00390         inline void keep_no_child() {
00391                 for (int i = _child_action.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
00392                         if (_child_action[i] == BCP_KeepChild) {
00393                                 _child_action[i] = BCP_ReturnChild;
00394                                 return;
00395                         }
00396                 }
00397         }
00398         inline bool is_pruned() const {
00399                 for (int i = _child_action.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
00400                         if (_child_action[i] != BCP_FathomChild)
00401                                 return false;
00402                 }
00403                 return true;
00404         }
00406         inline void get_lower_bounds(BCP_vec<double>& obj) {
00407                 obj.clear();
00408                 obj.reserve(_candidate->child_num);
00409                 const int num_children = _lpres.size();
00410                 for (int i = 0; i < num_children; ++i)
00411                         obj.unchecked_push_back(_lpres[i]->objval());
00412         }
00415         inline void set_lower_bounds(const BCP_vec<double>& obj) {
00416                 const int num_children = _lpres.size();
00417                 for (int i = 0; i < num_children; ++i)
00418                         _lpres[i]->fake_objective_value(obj[i]);
00419         }
00423         inline void get_results(OsiSolverInterface& lp, const int child_ind) {
00424                 _lpres[child_ind]->get_results(lp);
00425         }
00436         void fake_objective_values(const double itlim_objval);
00439         void swap(BCP_presolved_lp_brobj& rhs) {
00440                 std::swap(_candidate, rhs._candidate);
00441                 _lpres.swap(rhs._lpres);
00442                 _child_action.swap(rhs._child_action);
00443                 _user_data.swap(rhs._user_data);
00444                 _new_cuts.swap(rhs._new_cuts);
00445                 _new_rows.swap(rhs._new_rows);
00446         }
00447         inline BCP_vec< BCP_vec<BCP_cut*> >& get_new_cuts() { return _new_cuts; }
00448         inline BCP_vec< BCP_vec<BCP_row*> >& get_new_rows() { return _new_rows; }
00450 };
00452 #endif

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