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C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes

The following code (extracted from <f2cad/f2cad.hpp>) shows how the prototypes for Fortran functions link to C++ and the AD types:
     typedef enum { test_none, test_pass, test_fail } test_result;
     typedef long int integer;
     # ifdef F2CAD_USE_ADOLC
     # include <adolc/adouble.h>
     # include <adolc/interfaces.h>
     # include <adolc/taping.h>
     typedef adouble doublereal;
     # endif
     # ifdef F2CAD_USE_CPPAD
     # include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
     typedef CppAD::AD<double> doublereal;
     # endif
     # ifdef F2CAD_USE_FADBAD
     # include <FADBAD++/fadiff.h>
     typedef fadbad::F<double> doublereal;
     # endif

Input File: omh/prototype.omh