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ckbs_nonlinear: Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

[ok] = vanderpol_ok(draw_plot)

If this optional argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results. If draw_plot is not present or false, no plot is drawn.

If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

This example appears in many places; for example
  1. Section 4.1.1 of Applying the unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear state estimation , R. Kandepu, B. Foss , L. Imsland, Journal of Process Control, vol. 18, pp. 753, 2008.
  2. Section V of What Is the Ensemble Kalman Filter and How Well Does it Work? , S. Gillijns et-al. Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, June 14-16, 2006

Simulated State Vector
We use  x1 (t) and  x2 (t) to denote the oscillator position and velocity as a function of time. The deterministic ordinary differential equation for the Van der Pol oscillator is  \[
      x1 '(t) & = & x2 (t)
      x2 '(t) & = & \mu [ 1 - x1(t)^2 ] x2 (t) - x1(t)
The simulated state vector values are the solution to this ODE with nonlinear parameter  \mu = 2 and initial conditions  x1 (0) = 0 ,  x2 (0) = -5. . The routine vanderpol_sim calculates these values.

Transition Model
We simulate imperfect knowledge in the dynamical system by using Euler's approximation for the ODE with a step size of  \Delta t = .1 . In other words, given  x_{k-1} , the value of the state at time  t_{k-1} , we model  x_k , the state value at time  t_k = t_{k-1} + \Delta t , by  \[
      x_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k-1} + x_{2,k-1} \Delta t + w_{1,k}
      x_{2,k} & = & x_{2,k-1} +
      [ \mu ( 1 - x_{1,k-1}^2 ) x_{2,k-1} - x_{1,k-1} ] \Delta t
      + w_{2,k}
where  w_k \sim \B{N}( 0 , Q_k ) and the variance  Q_k = \R{diag} ( 0.01, 0.01 ) . The routine vanderpol_g.m calculates the mean for  x_k given  x_{k-1} . Note that the initial state estimate is calculated by this routine as  \hat{x} = g_1 ( x_0 ) and has  \hat{x}_1 = \hat{x}_2 = 0 and  Q_1 = \R{diag} ( 100. , 100. ) .

For this example, the measurements are noisy direct observations of position  \[
      z_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k} + v_{1,k}
where  v_k \sim \B{N}( 0 , R_k ) and the measurement variance  R_k = \R{diag} ( 0.01, 0.01 ) . The routine direct_h.m calculates the mean for  z_k , given the value of  x_k ; i.e.  x_{1,k} .

There are no constraints for this example so we define  \[
      f_k ( x_k ) = - 1
The routine no_f.m is used for these calculations.

Call Back Functions
vanderpol_sim Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise)
vanderpol_g.m ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
direct_h.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
no_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint

Source Code
function [ok] = vanderpol_ok(draw_plot)
    if nargin < 1
        draw_plot = false;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % Simulation problem parameters
    max_itr = 20;           % Maximum number of optimizer iterations
    epsilon = 1e-4;         % Convergence criteria
    N       = 41;           % Number of measurement points (N > 1)
    T       = 4.;           % Total time
    ell     = 1;            % Number of constraints (never active)
    n       = 2;            % Number of components in the state vector (n = 2)
    m       = 1;            % Number of measurements at each time point (m <= n)
    xi      = [ 0. , -5.]'; % True initial value for the state at time zero
    x_in    = zeros(n, N);  % Initial sequence where optimization begins
    initial = [ 0. , -5.]'; % Estimate of initial state (at time index one)
    mu      = 2.0;          % ODE nonlinearity parameter
    sigma_r = 1.;           % Standard deviation of measurement noise
    sigma_q = .1;           % Standard deviation of the transition noise
    sigma_e = 10;           % Standard deviation of initial state estimate
    randn('seed', 4321);    % Random number generator seed
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Level of tracing during optimization
    if draw_plot
        level = 1;
        level = 0;
    % spacing between time points
    dt = T / (N - 1);
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    %  information used by vanderpol_g
    params.vanderpol_g_initial  = initial;
    params.vanderpol_g_dt       = dt;
    params.vanderpol_g_mu       = mu;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    % global information used by direct_h
    %global direct_h_info
    params.direct_h_index = 1;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % Rest of the information required by ckbs_nonlinear
    % Step size for fourth order Runge-Kutta method in vanderpol_sim
    % is the same as time between measurement points
    step    = dt;
    % Simulate the true values for the state vector
    x_true  = vanderpol_sim(mu, xi, N, step);
    time    = linspace(0., T, N);
    % Simulate the measurement values
    z       = x_true(1:m,:) + sigma_r * randn(m, N);
    % Inverse covariance of the measurement and transition noise
    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        rinv(:, :, k) = eye(m, m) / sigma_r^2;
        qinv(:, :, k) = eye(n, n) / sigma_q^2;
    qinv(:, :, 1) = eye(n, n) / sigma_e^2;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % call back functions
    f_fun = @ no_f;
    g_fun = @ (k,x) vanderpol_g(k,x,params);
    h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % call the optimizer
    [ x_out , u_out, info ] = ckbs_nonlinear( ...
        f_fun ,    ...
        g_fun ,    ...
        h_fun ,    ...
        max_itr ,  ...
        epsilon ,  ...
        x_in ,     ...
        z ,        ...
        qinv ,     ...
        rinv ,     ...
        level      ...
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Check that x_out is optimal
    % (this is an unconstrained case, so there is no need to check f).
    ok     = size(info, 1) <= max_itr;
    g_out  = zeros(n,   N);
    h_out  = zeros(m,   N);
    dg_out = zeros(n, n,   N);
    dh_out = zeros(m, n,   N);
    xk     = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
        xkm      = xk;
        xk       = x_out(:, k);
        uk       = u_out(:, k);
        [gk, Gk] = g_fun(k, xkm);
        [hk, Hk] = h_fun(k, xk);
        g_out(:, k) = gk - xk;
        h_out(:, k) = hk;
        dg_out(:,:, k) = Gk;
        dh_out(:,:, k) = Hk;
    dx    = zeros(n, N);
    grad  = ckbs_sumsq_grad(dx, z, g_out, h_out, dg_out, dh_out, qinv, rinv);
    ok    = max( max( abs(grad) ) ) < epsilon;
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot
        hold on
        plot(time, x_true(1,:), 'b-');
        plot(time, x_out(1,:),  'g-');
        plot(time, z(1,:),      'ko');
        title('Position: blue=truth, green=estimate, o=data');
        hold off

Input File: example/nonlinear/vanderpol_ok.m