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ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test

[ok] = get_started_ok(draw_plot)

Running This Example
Change into the example directory, start octave (or matlab), and then execute the commands

If this optional argument is true, a plot is drawn displaying the results. If draw_plot is no present or false, no plot is drawn.

If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

Simulated State Vector
The state vector for this example is in  \B{R}^n and the sequence of state vector values is simulated with  x_{j,k} = 1 for  j = 1 , \ldots , n and  k = 1 , \ldots N .

Transition Model
We simulate imperfect knowledge of this dynamical system using the persistence model. To be specific,  \[
     x_k = x_{k-1} + w_k
where  w_k \sim \B{N} ( 0 , Q_k ) and the variance  Q_k = I_n (and  I_n is the  n \times n identity matrix. The routine persist_g.m calculates the mean for  x_k given  x_{k-1} . Note that the initial state estimate is returned by this routine as  \hat{x} = g_1 (x) and has  \hat{x}_{j,k} = 1 for  j = 1 , \ldots , n . Also not that the corresponding variance  Q_1 = I_n .

For this example, the measurements are direct observations of the state  \[
     z_k = x_k + v_k
where  v_k \sim \B{N} ( 0 , R_k ) and the variance  R_k = I_n . The routine direct_h.m calculates the mean for  z_k , given the value of  x_k .

For this example, the constraints are  \[
     0.5 \leq x_{k,j} \leq 1.5
for  j = 1 , \ldots , n and  k = 1 , \ldots , N . The routine box_f.m represents these constraints in the form  f_k ( x_k ) \leq 0 as expected by ckbs_nonlinear .

Call Back Functions
persist_g.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
direct_h.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
box_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints

Source Code
function [ok] = get_started_ok(draw_plot)
    if nargin < 1
        draw_plot = false;
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    max_itr = 20;      % maximum number of iterations
    epsilon = 1e-5;    % convergence criteria
    N       = 40;      % number of time points
    n       = 1;       % number of state vector components per time point
    sigma_r = 1;       % variance of measurement noise
    sigma_q = 1;       % variance of transition noise
    sigma_e = 1;       % variance of initial state estimate
    initial = ones(n); % estimate for initial state value
    randn('seed', 4321)
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Level of tracing during optimization
    if draw_plot
        level = 1;
        level = 0;
    m       = n;       % number of measurements per time point
    ell     = 2 * n;   % number of constraints
    index   = 1 : n;   % index vector
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    %  information used by box_f
    params.box_f_lower = 0.5 * ones(n, 1);
    params.box_f_upper = 1.5 * ones(n, 1);
    params.box_f_index = index;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % global information used by persist_g
    params.persist_g_initial = initial;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % global information used by direct_h
    %global direct_h_info
    params.direct_h_index = index;
     h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % simulated true trajectory 
    x_true  = ones(n, N);
    % initial vector during optimization process
    x_in    = 0.5 * ones(n, N);
    % measurement variances
    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    z       = zeros(m, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        xk           = x_true(:, k);
        ek           = randn(m, 1);
        hk           = h_fun(k, xk);
        z(:, k)      = hk + ek;
        qinv(:,:, k) = eye(n) / (sigma_q * sigma_q);
        rinv(:,:, k) = eye(n) / (sigma_r * sigma_r);
    qinv(:,:,1)       = eye(n) / (sigma_e * sigma_e);
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % call back functions
    f_fun = @(k,xk) box_f(k,xk,params);
    g_fun = @(k,xk) persist_g(k,xk,params);
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % call optimizer
    [x_out, u_out, info] = ckbs_nonlinear( ...
        f_fun,    ...
        g_fun,    ...
        h_fun,    ...
        max_itr,  ...
        epsilon,  ...
        x_in,     ...
        z,        ...
        qinv,     ...
        rinv,     ...
        level     ...
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ok     = size(info, 1) <= max_itr;
    % Set up affine problem corresponding to x_out (for a change in x).
    % Check constraint feasibility and complementarity.
    f_out  = zeros(ell, N);
    g_out  = zeros(n,   N);
    h_out  = zeros(m,   N);
    df_out = zeros(ell, n, N);
    dg_out = zeros(n, n,   N);
    dh_out = zeros(m, n,   N);
    xk1    = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
        xk       = x_out(:, k);
        uk       = u_out(:, k);
        [fk, Fk] = f_fun(k, xk);
        [gk, Gk] = g_fun(k, xk1);
        [hk, Hk] = h_fun(k, xk);
        ok       = ok & all( fk <= epsilon);              % feasibility
        ok       = ok & all( abs(fk) .* uk <= epsilon );  % complementarity
        f_out(:, k)    = fk;
        g_out(:, k)    = gk - xk;
        h_out(:, k)    = hk;
        df_out(:,:, k) = Fk;
        dg_out(:,:, k) = Gk;
        dh_out(:,:, k) = Hk;
        xk1 = xk;
    ok     = ok & all( all( u_out >= 0 ) );
    % Compute gradient of unconstrained affine problem at dx equal to zero
    % and then check the gradient of the Lagrangian
    dx_out = zeros(n, N);
    grad  = ckbs_sumsq_grad(dx_out, z, g_out, h_out, dg_out, dh_out, qinv, rinv);
    for k = 1 : N
        uk  = u_out(:, k);
        Fk  = df_out(:,:, k);
        dk  = grad(:, k);
        ok  = ok & all( abs(Fk' * uk + dk) <= epsilon );
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot
        hold on
        time = 1 : N;
        plot(time, x_true(1,:),    'b-');
        plot(time, x_out(1,:),     'g-');
        plot(time, z(1,:),         'ko'); 
        plot(time, 0.5*ones(1,N),  'r-');
        plot(time, 1.5*ones(1,N),  'r-');
        title('Position: blue=truth, green=estimate, red=constraint, o=data');
        axis( [ 0 , N , -1, 3 ] )
        hold off

Input File: example/nonlinear/get_started_ok.m