
int user_print_branch_stat(void *user, branch_obj *can, cut_data *cut,
                           int n, var_desc **vars, char *action)


Print out information about branching candidate can, such as a more explicit problem-specific description than SYMPHONY can provide (for instance, end points of an edge). If verbosity is set high enough, the identity of the branching object and the children (with objective values and termination codes for the pre-solved LPs) is printed out to the standard output by SYMPHONY.


void *user IN Pointer to the user-defined LP data structure.
branch_obj *can IN The branching candidate.
cut_data *cut IN The description of the cut if the branching object is a cut.
int n IN Number of variables.
var_desc **vars IN Array of variables in the current relaxation.
char *action IN Array of actions for the children.

Return values:

USER_ERROR Error. Ignored by SYMPHONY.
USER_SUCCESS The user printed out whatever she wanted to.
USER_DEFAULT SYMPHONY prints out its own branching information.

Wrapper invoked from:
branch() after the best candidate has been selected, pre-solved, and the action is decided on for the children.

Ted Ralphs