
int user_display_solution(void *user, double lpetol, int varnum, int *indices, 
                          double *values, double objval)


This function is invoked when a best solution found so far is to be displayed (after heuristics, after the end of the first phase, or the end of the whole algorithm). This can be done using either a text-based format or using the drawgraph module. By default, SYMPHONY displays the indices (or column names, if specified) and values for each nonzero variable in the solution. The user may wish to display a custom version of the solution by interpreting the variables.


void *user IN Pointer to the user-defined data structure. For sequential computation, a pointer to the user's LP data structure is passed in. For parallel computation, a pointer to the user's Master data structure is passed in.
double lpetol IN The LP zero tolerance used.
int varnum IN The number of nonzeros in the solution.
int *indices IN The indices of the nonzeros.
double *values IN The values of the nonzeros.
double objval IN The objective function value of the solution.

Return values:

USER_SUCCESS User displayed the solution. SYMPHONY should do nothing.
USER_DEFAULT SYMPHONY should display the solution in default format.


If requested, SYMPHONY will display a best solution found so far in the default format.

Ted Ralphs