
int sym_add_col(sym_environment *env, int numelems, int *indices, 
                double *elements, double collb, double colub,
                double obj, char *name)


This routine is used to add a new column to the original problem description.


sym_environment *env INOUT Pointer to the SYMPHONY environment.
int numelems IN An integer indicating the non zero elements of the column.
int *indices IN Pointer to an integer type array indicating the row indices of the non zero elements of the column and having a size of at least numelems.
double *elements IN Pinter to a double type array indicating the values of the non zero elements of the column and having a size of at least numelems.
double collb IN A double indicating the lower bound of the column.
double colub IN A double indicating the upper bound of the column.
double obj IN A double indicating the objective coefficient value of the column.
char *name IN Pointer to a string of the name of the column.

Return values:

FUNCTION_TERMINATED_NORMALLY Function invoked successfully.
FUNCTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY Function invoked unsuccessfully.

Ted Ralphs