
int sym_explicit_load_problem_user(sym_environment * env, int numcols, 
                          int numrows, int *start, int *index, double *value, 
                          double *collb, double *colub, char *is_int, 
                          double *obj, double *obj2, char *rowsen, 
                          double *rowrhs, double *rowrng, char make_copy)


This routine is used to load a problem description into SYMPHONY manually. The constraint matrix is passed in a standard column-ordered format. The arguments here are the same as the fields in the MIPdesc data structure discussed in Section Please see the discussion there for a more detailed description of the arguments here.


sym_environment *env INOUT Pointer to the SYMPHONY environment.
int numcols IN Number of the columns.
int numrows IN Number of the rows.
int *start IN Array of the starting positions of each of column.
int *index IN Array of the row indices corresponding to each entry of value.
int *value IN Array of the values of nonzero entries of the constraint matrix in column order.
double *collb IN Array of the lower bounds of the columns.
double *colub IN Array of the upper bounds of the columns.
double *obj IN Array of the objective function coefficients.
double *obj2 IN Array of the second objective function coefficients when multi criteria solver is to be used.
char *rowsen IN Array of the senses of the constraints.
    'L': $ \leq$ constraint
    'E': = constraint
    'G': $ \geq$ constraint
    'R': ranged constraint
    'N': free constraint
double *rowrhs IN Array of the right hand side values.
double *rowrng IN Array of the row ranges.
    (sym_get_row_upper) - (sym_get_row_lower) if the row sense is 'R', 0 otherwise.
char make_copy IN SYMPHONY will create the copies of these arrays for internal usage if this flag is set to true, otherwise, will own them.

Return values:

ERROR__USER Error. User error detected in
  user_initialize_root_node function.
FUNCTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY Function invoked unsuccessfully.
FUNCTION_TERMINATED_NORMALLY Function invoked successfully.

Ted Ralphs