Display Menu

The Display submenu is used to print out results and statistics of the solution process after a solve call. To enter this submenu and see available options, type display and then help or ?:

 SYMPHONY: display
 Please type 'help'/'?' to see the display options!
 SYMPHONY\Display: help

 List of display options:

 solution     : display the column values
 obj          : display the objective value
 stats        : display the statistics
 parameter    : display the value of a parameter

 back         : leave this menu
 quit/exit    : leave the optimizer

Clearly, in order to display column solutions and the optimal solution value, you need to type solution and then obj:
 SYMPHONY\Display: solution
 Optimal Solution found!
 Nonzero column names and values in the solution
 COL00002      3.000
 COL00006      1.000

 SYMPHONY\Display: obj
 Objective Value: -40.000000
You can also display the values of SYMPHONY's run-time parameters (see Section 6.4) by moving into parameters submenu:
 SYMPHONY\Display: parameter
 Please type 'help'/'?' to see the list of available parameters!
For instance, in order to display the verbosity level, type verbosity:
 SYMPHONY\Display\Parameter: verbosity 
 The value of verbosity: 3
As in Set submenu, typing help or ? will display only a subset of available run-time parameters. However, you are allowed to display the value of any of the parameters given in Section 6.4.

Ted Ralphs