Global parameters

verbosity - integer (0).
[p]Global Pramaters!verbosity Sets the verbosity of all modules to the given value. In general, the greater this number the more verbose each module is. Experiment to find out what this means.

random_seed - integer (17).
[p]Global Pramaters!random_seed A random seed.

granularity - double (1e-6).
[p]Global Pramaters!granularity Should be set to ``the minimum difference between two distinct objective function values'' less the epsilon tolerance. E.g., if every variable is integral and the objective coefficients are integral then for any feasible solution the objective value is integer, so granularity could be correctly set to .99999.

upper_bound - double (none)
. [p]Global Pramaters!upper_bound The value of the best known upper bound.

probname - string (empty string).
[p]Global Pramaters!probname The name of the problem name.

infile_name - string (empty string).
[p]Global Pramaters!infile_name The name of the input file which was read by ``-F'' flag.

Ted Ralphs