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int user_send_feasible_solution(void *user, double lpetol,
                                int varnum, int *indices, double *values)


Send a feasible solution to the master process. The solution is sent using the communication functions described in Section 9.4 in whatever logical format the user wants to use. The default is to pack the user indices and values of variables at non-zero level. If the user packs the solution herself then the same data must be packed here that will be received in the user_receive_feasible_solution() function in the master process. See the description of that function for details. This function will only be called when either the LP or tree manager are running as a separate executable. Otherwise, the solution gets stored within the LP user data structure.


void *user IN Pointer to the user-defined LP data structure.
double lpetol IN The $\epsilon$ tolerance of the LP solver.
int varnum IN The length of the indices and values arrays.
int *indices IN User indices of variables at nonzero level in the current solution.
double *values IN Values of the variables listed in indices.

Return values:

ERROR Error. Do the default.
USER_NO_PP User packed the solution.
DEFAULT Regulated by the parameter pack_feasible_solution_default, but set to SEND_NONZEROS unless over-ridden by the user.
SEND_NONZEROS Pack the nonzero values and their indices.

Wrapper invoked:
as soon as feasibility is detected anywhere.

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Ted Ralphs