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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@
Old Tan and Tanh as User Atomic Operations: Example and Test

Deprecated 2013-05-27
This example has not deprecated; see atomic_tangent.cpp instead.

The code below uses the tan_forward and tan_reverse to implement the tangent ( id == 0 ) and hyperbolic tangent ( id == 1 ) functions as user atomic operations.
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>

namespace { // Begin empty namespace
     using CppAD::vector;

     // a utility to compute the union of two sets.
     using CppAD::set_union;

     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // forward mode routine called by CppAD
     bool old_tan_forward(
          size_t                   id ,
          size_t                order ,
          size_t                    n ,
          size_t                    m ,
          const vector<bool>&      vx ,
          vector<bool>&           vzy ,
          const vector<float>&     tx ,
          vector<float>&          tzy
          assert( id == 0 || id == 1 );
          assert( n == 1 );
          assert( m == 2 );
          assert( tx.size() >= (order+1) * n );
          assert( tzy.size() >= (order+1) * m );

          size_t n_order = order + 1;
          size_t j = order;
          size_t k;

          // check if this is during the call to old_tan(id, ax, ay)
          if( vx.size() > 0 )
          {     assert( vx.size() >= n );
               assert( vzy.size() >= m );

               // now setvzy
               vzy[0] = vx[0];
               vzy[1] = vx[0];

          if( j == 0 )
          {     // z^{(0)} = tan( x^{(0)} ) or tanh( x^{(0)} )
               if( id == 0 )
                    tzy[0] = float( tan( tx[0] ) );
               else     tzy[0] = float( tanh( tx[0] ) );

               // y^{(0)} = z^{(0)} * z^{(0)}
               tzy[n_order + 0] = tzy[0] * tzy[0];
          {     float j_inv = 1.f / float(j);
               if( id == 1 )
                    j_inv = - j_inv;

               // z^{(j)} = x^{(j)} +- sum_{k=1}^j k x^{(k)} y^{(j-k)} / j
               tzy[j] = tx[j];
               for(k = 1; k <= j; k++)
                    tzy[j] += tx[k] * tzy[n_order + j-k] * float(k) * j_inv;

               // y^{(j)} = sum_{k=0}^j z^{(k)} z^{(j-k)}
               tzy[n_order + j] = 0.;
               for(k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                    tzy[n_order + j] += tzy[k] * tzy[j-k];

          // All orders are implemented and there are no possible errors
          return true;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // reverse mode routine called by CppAD
     bool old_tan_reverse(
          size_t                   id ,
          size_t                order ,
          size_t                    n ,
          size_t                    m ,
          const vector<float>&     tx ,
          const vector<float>&    tzy ,
          vector<float>&           px ,
          const vector<float>&    pzy
          assert( id == 0 || id == 1 );
          assert( n == 1 );
          assert( m == 2 );
          assert( tx.size() >= (order+1) * n );
          assert( tzy.size() >= (order+1) * m );
          assert( px.size() >= (order+1) * n );
          assert( pzy.size() >= (order+1) * m );

          size_t n_order = order + 1;
          size_t j, k;

          // copy because partials w.r.t. y and z need to change
          vector<float> qzy = pzy;

          // initialize accumultion of reverse mode partials
          for(k = 0; k < n_order; k++)
               px[k] = 0.;

          // eliminate positive orders
          for(j = order; j > 0; j--)
          {     float j_inv = 1.f / float(j);
               if( id == 1 )
                    j_inv = - j_inv;

               // H_{x^{(k)}} += delta(j-k) +- H_{z^{(j)} y^{(j-k)} * k / j
               px[j] += qzy[j];
               for(k = 1; k <= j; k++)
                    px[k] += qzy[j] * tzy[n_order + j-k] * float(k) * j_inv;

               // H_{y^{j-k)} += +- H_{z^{(j)} x^{(k)} * k / j
               for(k = 1; k <= j; k++)
                    qzy[n_order + j-k] += qzy[j] * tx[k] * float(k) * j_inv;

               // H_{z^{(k)}} += H_{y^{(j-1)}} * z^{(j-k-1)} * 2.
               for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
                    qzy[k] += qzy[n_order + j-1] * tzy[j-k-1] * 2.f;

          // eliminate order zero
          if( id == 0 )
               px[0] += qzy[0] * (1.f + tzy[n_order + 0]);
               px[0] += qzy[0] * (1.f - tzy[n_order + 0]);

          return true;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // forward Jacobian sparsity routine called by CppAD
     bool old_tan_for_jac_sparse(
          size_t                               id ,
          size_t                                n ,
          size_t                                m ,
          size_t                                p ,
          const vector< std::set<size_t> >&     r ,
          vector< std::set<size_t> >&           s )
          assert( n == 1 );
          assert( m == 2 );
          assert( id == 0 || id == 1 );
          assert( r.size() >= n );
          assert( s.size() >= m );

          // sparsity for z and y are the same as for x
          s[0] = r[0];
          s[1] = r[0];

          return true;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // reverse Jacobian sparsity routine called by CppAD
     bool old_tan_rev_jac_sparse(
          size_t                               id ,
          size_t                                n ,
          size_t                                m ,
          size_t                                p ,
          vector< std::set<size_t> >&           r ,
          const vector< std::set<size_t> >&     s )
          assert( n == 1 );
          assert( m == 2 );
          assert( id == 0 || id == 1 );
          assert( r.size() >= n );
          assert( s.size() >= m );

          // note that, if the users code only uses z, and not y,
          // we could just set r[0] = s[0]
          r[0] = set_union(s[0], s[1]);
          return true;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // reverse Hessian sparsity routine called by CppAD
     bool old_tan_rev_hes_sparse(
          size_t                               id ,
          size_t                                n ,
          size_t                                m ,
          size_t                                p ,
          const vector< std::set<size_t> >&     r ,
          const vector<bool>&                   s ,
          vector<bool>&                         t ,
          const vector< std::set<size_t> >&     u ,
          vector< std::set<size_t> >&           v )
          assert( n == 1 );
          assert( m == 2 );
          assert( id == 0 || id == 1 );
          assert( r.size() >= n );
          assert( s.size() >= m );
          assert( t.size() >= n );
          assert( u.size() >= m );
          assert( v.size() >= n );

          // back propagate Jacobian sparsity. If users code only uses z,
          // we could just set t[0] = s[0];
          t[0] =  s[0] | s[1];

          // back propagate Hessian sparsity, ...
          v[0] = set_union(u[0], u[1]);

          // convert forward Jacobian sparsity to Hessian sparsity
          // because tan and tanh are nonlinear
          if( t[0] )
               v[0] = set_union(v[0], r[0]);

          return true;
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Declare the AD<float> routine old_tan(id, ax, ay)
          old_tan                 ,
          CppAD::vector           ,
          float                   ,
          old_tan_forward         ,
          old_tan_reverse         ,
          old_tan_for_jac_sparse  ,
          old_tan_rev_jac_sparse  ,
} // End empty namespace

bool old_tan(void)
{     bool ok = true;
     using CppAD::AD;
     using CppAD::NearEqual;
     float eps = 10.f * CppAD::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();

     // domain space vector
     size_t n  = 1;
     float  x0 = 0.5;
     CppAD::vector< AD<float> > ax(n);
     ax[0]     = x0;

     // declare independent variables and start tape recording

     // range space vector
     size_t m = 3;
     CppAD::vector< AD<float> > af(m);

     // temporary vector for old_tan computations
     // (old_tan computes tan or tanh and its square)
     CppAD::vector< AD<float> > az(2);

     // call user tan function and store tan(x) in f[0] (ignore tan(x)^2)
     size_t id = 0;
     old_tan(id, ax, az);
     af[0] = az[0];

     // call user tanh function and store tanh(x) in f[1] (ignore tanh(x)^2)
     id = 1;
     old_tan(id, ax, az);
     af[1] = az[0];

     // put a constant in f[2] = tanh(1.) (for sparsity pattern testing)
     CppAD::vector< AD<float> > one(1);
     one[0] = 1.;
     old_tan(id, one, az);
     af[2] = az[0];

     // create f: x -> f and stop tape recording
     CppAD::ADFun<float> F;
     F.Dependent(ax, af);

     // check function value
     float tan = std::tan(x0);
     ok &= NearEqual(af[0] , tan,  eps, eps);
     float tanh = std::tanh(x0);
     ok &= NearEqual(af[1] , tanh,  eps, eps);

     // check zero order forward
     CppAD::vector<float> x(n), f(m);
     x[0] = x0;
     f    = F.Forward(0, x);
     ok &= NearEqual(f[0] , tan,  eps, eps);
     ok &= NearEqual(f[1] , tanh,  eps, eps);

     // compute first partial of f w.r.t. x[0] using forward mode
     CppAD::vector<float> dx(n), df(m);
     dx[0] = 1.;
     df    = F.Forward(1, dx);

     // compute derivative of tan - tanh using reverse mode
     CppAD::vector<float> w(m), dw(n);
     w[0]  = 1.;
     w[1]  = 1.;
     w[2]  = 0.;
     dw    = F.Reverse(1, w);

     // tan'(x)   = 1 + tan(x)  * tan(x)
     // tanh'(x)  = 1 - tanh(x) * tanh(x)
     float tanp  = 1.f + tan * tan;
     float tanhp = 1.f - tanh * tanh;
     ok   &= NearEqual(df[0], tanp, eps, eps);
     ok   &= NearEqual(df[1], tanhp, eps, eps);
     ok   &= NearEqual(dw[0], w[0]*tanp + w[1]*tanhp, eps, eps);

     // compute second partial of f w.r.t. x[0] using forward mode
     CppAD::vector<float> ddx(n), ddf(m);
     ddx[0] = 0.;
     ddf    = F.Forward(2, ddx);

     // compute second derivative of tan - tanh using reverse mode
     CppAD::vector<float> ddw(2);
     ddw   = F.Reverse(2, w);

     // tan''(x)   = 2 *  tan(x) * tan'(x)
     // tanh''(x)  = - 2 * tanh(x) * tanh'(x)
     // Note that second order Taylor coefficient for u half the
     // corresponding second derivative.
     float two    = 2;
     float tanpp  =   two * tan * tanp;
     float tanhpp = - two * tanh * tanhp;
     ok   &= NearEqual(two * ddf[0], tanpp, eps, eps);
     ok   &= NearEqual(two * ddf[1], tanhpp, eps, eps);
     ok   &= NearEqual(ddw[0], w[0]*tanp  + w[1]*tanhp , eps, eps);
     ok   &= NearEqual(ddw[1], w[0]*tanpp + w[1]*tanhpp, eps, eps);

     // Forward mode computation of sparsity pattern for F.
     size_t p = n;
     // user vectorBool because m and n are small
     CppAD::vectorBool r1(p), s1(m * p);
     r1[0] = true;            // propagate sparsity for x[0]
     s1    = F.ForSparseJac(p, r1);
     ok  &= (s1[0] == true);  // f[0] depends on x[0]
     ok  &= (s1[1] == true);  // f[1] depends on x[0]
     ok  &= (s1[2] == false); // f[2] does not depend on x[0]

     // Reverse mode computation of sparsity pattern for F.
     size_t q = m;
     CppAD::vectorBool s2(q * m), r2(q * n);
     // Sparsity pattern for identity matrix
     size_t i, j;
     for(i = 0; i < q; i++)
     {     for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
               s2[i * q + j] = (i == j);
     r2   = F.RevSparseJac(q, s2);
     ok  &= (r2[0] == true);  // f[0] depends on x[0]
     ok  &= (r2[1] == true);  // f[1] depends on x[0]
     ok  &= (r2[2] == false); // f[2] does not depend on x[0]

     // Hessian sparsity for f[0]
     CppAD::vectorBool s3(m), h(p * n);
     s3[0] = true;
     s3[1] = false;
     s3[2] = false;
     h    = F.RevSparseHes(p, s3);
     ok  &= (h[0] == true);  // Hessian is non-zero

     // Hessian sparsity for f[2]
     s3[0] = false;
     s3[2] = true;
     h    = F.RevSparseHes(p, s3);
     ok  &= (h[0] == false);  // Hessian is zero

     // check tanh results for a large value of x
     x[0]  = std::numeric_limits<float>::max() / two;
     f     = F.Forward(0, x);
     tanh  = 1.;
     ok   &= NearEqual(f[1], tanh, eps, eps);
     df    = F.Forward(1, dx);
     tanhp = 0.;
     ok   &= NearEqual(df[1], tanhp, eps, eps);

     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Free all temporary work space associated with old_atomic objects.
     // (If there are future calls to user atomic functions, they will
     // create new temporary work space.)

     return ok;

Input File: example/deprecated/old_tan.cpp